Money Brain
Understand The Three Necessary Components Of Money and Unleash Your Wealth Building Potential
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Dear Friend,
We have a love hate relationship with money. We love the idea of having some, but we don’t know how, and we hate that. We also associate money with a lot of deep and uncomfortable beliefs.
It’s one of those things you’re not supposed to talk about in polite company. At the same time, when you get money, honest money, nothing feels better. On the other hand, money is the source of most relationship problems.
Three Layers of Money
Something so necessary shouldn’t be so complex, but it is. And in order to understand it, we’ve got to look at three different aspects of money. Only then will we see it for what it truly is. An objective, inert tool. Not good, not bad. A form of potential energy.
Mechanical Money
Once upon a time, there wasn’t any money. As soon as money was invented, human ingenuity took off. Why is this? Money serves as an external storage of potential energy. Already this sounds too metaphysical to be of any use. Let’s be sure we understand.
Bears And Winter
When bears are getting ready for winter, they eat a lot. The purposely get fat. So when it’s winter, and cold, they can stay safely in their bear cave and live off their stored energy.
Humans and Winter
Humans figured out to do the same thing. Way back in the day, they grew a whole bunch of grain. It could be stored safely over the long cold months of winter when nothing grew. Just like the bears, this stored energy could be used to keep them alive when it was too cold to go outside.
Humans and Money
Once money was invented, this allowed for much more creativity. You could store money. And what is money? Potential stuff. The more money you had, the more stuff you could buy. So long as you made money honestly, the more you had, the more this represented valuable things you provided for others.
Farming Is Simple
Way back when, all they knew how to do was farm. They grew a bunch of stuff, and then they stored that stuff. Pretty cool, but also pretty simple. But then they invented money.
Anybody Can Make Anything
Before money was invented, you could only store certain things. But money allowed anybody to figure out anything to do, and trade that for money. This led to an explosion of human creativity. Every single thing that exists today only exists because of money.
Mechanical Money Is Simple
So far, so good, right? Money has essentially served this purpose since the dawn of time. Obviously, there’s more to it. If this was all there was, money would be easy. But you know money is far from easy. We’ve got two more layers go to.
Money And Social Anxiety
It’s hard to think about getting money without also thinking about interacting with other humans. Not just saying hey, but making and offer. And offer they can refuse. That feels very much like rejection. Nobody likes rejection.
Make Money While You Sleep
This is why so many people love the idea of pushing a bunch of buttons, going to sleep, and waking up rich. We don’t love this idea because we are lazy. We love this idea because if it’s happening while we sleep, we never have to face any rejection!
Money Snake Oil Scams
This is also why there is a sucker born every minute. We would love to believe in a money making scheme that doesn’t involve any social exposure. Anything that even has a potential to be profitable that doesn’t involve face to face social settings, we’ll be suckers.
Money Is Evil
This is the biggest scam of all. We love this idea. See, if we believe that money is evil, we don’t suck because we’re broke, we are righteous! Of course, this is another scam to cover up our deep money fears.
Eliminate Money Fears
Once you understand how money is an essential part of human society, you’ll be much closer to eliminating your money fears. And once you see how to eliminate your money fears, then it really will be mechanical. It will feel mechanical.
Simple Cause And Effect
Once you understand the mechanical, structural nature of money, and eliminate all your money fears, then making money will be a simple question of cause and effect. Do this, and you’ll get that. But we’ve got one more layer yet.
Find Your Own Money Skills
Now we live in an unprecedented time in human history. Never has there been so much money opportunity. Everybody has a unique collection of skills and potential skills. Once you get rid of your money fears, matching your own unique set of skills to your own maximum money flow will be your life’s adventure.
Spoiler Alert
Here’s the punchline at the end of this guide. Your purpose in life is to make money. Not in a greedy way, not in a selfish way, but in a way that serves others the most. Once you understand the mechanics of money, and eliminate your money fears, the rest is gravy.
The more money you make, the more you are serving your fellow human. The more real value you are providing others. This is the human condition. The human potential. Your potential that you must maximize if you are going to live a life worth living.
Making And Spending Money
When you buy something you really want, it feels good. When somebody pays you for something you did that they really value, that feels really good. Spending money and making money are two sides of the same coin.
Money Is The Blood Of Earth
Your blood flows around your body, taking needed nutrients to your various cells, and removing all the waste. Without your blood, you wouldn’t last very long.
Money flows around the world, paying people and delivering their products to where they are needed. Because the entire planet is globally connected, you can find any market you want, to match any skills you have, or any skills you’ll develop.
Money Is Life
The rest of your life should be spent learning and improving. Maximizing your skills so you can provide more quality products and services to the people of Earth. And in return, the money flowing from them into your bank account will increase.
Money Is Growth
Making honest money is the best way to measure how well your skills are growing. To measure how much the world values your contributions.
Money Is Safety
The more money you have, just like bears and ancient farmers, the better your future is. Money is a real time travel vehicle. You can have money today, and keep until somebody invents something you feel like buying.
Learn The Three Money Levels
This guide will teach you everything you need to get started. The history and mechanics of money. How to find and eliminate all your negative money beliefs. How to get started on the most exciting, most important period of your life.
Get In The Game
The money game has been going on since a few hundred BC when the first coins were minted. It will be going far, far into the future. Make the most of life. Learn the rules of the game. Get in the game. Play to win.
What’s Included
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- Why We Love Money
- Why We Hate Money
- Money And Social Fears
- Money And Rejection
- Origins of Money Fears
- Mechanical Money
- Historical Money
- Ancient Money Origins
- Impact Of Money
- The Truth Of Money
- What Money Is Not
- Why Most Misunderstand Money
- Why They’ll Always Fear Money
- Why They’ll Always Hate Money
- Deep Money Instincts
- Non-Human Money Instincts
- Basic Human Nature
- Human ROI Model
- Society ROI Model
- Subconscious ROI Model
- Commodity Money Origins
- Types Of Commodity Money
- Types Of Paper Money
- Modern Fiat Currency
- Basic Requirement For Any Money
- Why Money Dies
- Why Societies Collapse
- Government Promises
- Money Time Travel
- Spending Tomorrow’s Money Today
- Earning Tomorrow’s Money Today
- Why More Money Is Always Better
- Why You’ll Always Want More Money
- The Health of Wanting More Money
- Righteous Money Constraints
- Personal Money Measurement
- Three Ways to Have More Money
- Do These And You’ll Never Want
- Do These And You’ll Always Be Happy
- Do These And You’ll Be In The Top 1%
- External Money Enemy – Social Proof
- Why Other Crabs Pull You Down
- Why We Share Hidden Money Beliefs
- Why We Hide Hidden Money Beliefs
- Origins Of Cons
- Why We Are Suckers For Scams
- The Money Guru Scam
- The Reason We Love Push Button Systems
- Why All Push Button Systems Fail
- The Necessity Trial and Feedback
- How To Learn Anything
- Awaken Your Natural Learner
- The Self-Aware Mind
- The Myth Of Consciousness
- The Truth About Free Will
- How To Maximize Free Will
- The Money Flow State
- Learning Money Skills
- Money Brainstorming
- Money Creativity
- Money Consciousness
- Money Dreaming
- The Fallacy Of Money Metaphysics
- The Biological Truth Of Money
- Your Never Ending Learning Brain
- Building Money Appreciation
- Money Meditation
- Money Flow Appreciation
- Excavating Money Beliefs
- Identifying Money Beliefs
- Destroy Negative Money Beliefs
- Implanting Positive Money Beliefs
- Embracing Deep Money Truths
- Written Money Exercises
- Written Money Drills
- Finding Proof Of Money Success
- Common Money Limitations
- Childhood Origins Of Money Limitations
- Evolutionary Origins Of Money Limitation
- Common Money Pitfall – Not Feeling Worthy
- Why Everybody Feels Unworthy
- How To Eradicate This Common Belief
- Creating Daily Evidence
- General Money Skills
- Money Social Skills
- Money Communication Skills
- Never Ending Money Learning
- Why Money Is Life
- Why Making Money Is Life
- Why Spending Money Is Life
- The One Fell Swoop Myth
- The One Weird Trick Myth
- The One Last Score Myth
- Extrapolating Your Future
- Building Money Memory
- Expanding Your Money Future
- Much, Much, More
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Make Life Worth Living
Once you feel a real increase in your money skills, you’ll generate a positive excitement about your future. The more you learn, the better your future becomes. Get this guide now and blast away limitations.
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Eradicate Negative Money Beliefs
Once you get rid of hidden beliefs holding you back, learning any money skill will be fun, just like learning sports or music. The more you learn, the more you’ll earn. Get this guide now and awaken your natural learner.
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Participate In The Global Economy
Never has there been a better time than right now to tap your deep money potential. Whatever skills you have, whatever skills you want, they can literally make you a fortune. Get this guide now and get in the game.
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