Seven Rules of Life
Crack The Code Of Human Existence And Get Busy Building Your Empire
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Dear Friend,
Let’s get this out of the way. This guide is not meant to make you feel good. This is not filled with uplifting stories and metaphors about your potential.
See, the thing about potential is it’s one of those words that gets tossed around a lot. So much that it loses it’s meaning. Yes, you do have an enormous potential.
Yes, Dear Reader, you do have so much potential that you could create the biggest financial or business empire that the world has ever seen and still have plenty of untapped potential.
Harsh Truth
Everybody has that much potential. Simply be being human, you can do wondrous things. But potential is just that. Something that could be. Something that might be.
Harsher Truth
But potential doesn’t just poof into existence on its own. Especially human potential. Human potential is the hardest to express. Because there are infinite ways you could express your potential.
Just knowing you have potential isn’t enough. Hoping that one day, you might be successful is the exact same wish every other human on this planet has.
Actions and Consequences
Nobody who got rich ever got there by wishing. To get outcomes, you’ve got to operate in your reality. Even something as simple as a peanut butter sandwich won’t make itself. If you are hungry, unless you do something to satisfy that desire, you will starve.
The Dismal Science
Economics is called the dismal science because it forces us to accept reality. It requires we ditch all magical thinking and understand that we live in a world governed by laws. Laws that operate on a simple of idea of cause and effect.
You Cannot Wish Yourself Rich
If you want more money than you have now, you’ll need to do different things than you’ve been doing. If your plan to get rich is to gladly accept a free bag of money the universe decides to send your way, you might wanna consider a backup plan.
You Cannot Wish Yourself Healthy
Nobody who ever got in great, fitness model shape did so with the hot dog diet. They didn’t drop all that belly fat with one weird trick. They didn’t get that gorgeous body with the lose weight while you sleep diet.
They got their body through hard word, dedication, and persistence. Old fashioned delayed gratification. Of doing things today, so they would enjoy the results later.
Love Doesn’t Happy By Magic
This is the hardest of all to accept. That love is random. Love is also based on science, economics, costs and benefits. Yes, most of them are unconscious. Which is why when love does happen, it is the best feeling in the world.
But if you think you can chant some spells safely at home, far away from the anxiety of social crowds, I’ve got some bad news. If you want to find love, you’re going to need to get in the game and play around some.
Laws of Life
Everything you want out of life can get achieved. But not by magic. But by work. Dedication, persistence, and delayed gratification.
But none of this will work if you are applying your efforts in the wrong way. In order to get what you want out of life, you’ll need to understand the rules of life.
Rules Don’t Care About You
When we say rules, we don’t mean the rules made up by a bunch of power hungry goofs who never worked a day in their lives. We mean the rules of human nature. The rules of economics. The rules of how your mind works.
Light At The End Of The Tunnel
This is not based on magic of any kind. But once you understand the rules of the game, then you can play to win. The rules of the game are not dependent on which party is in power. They don’t care what kind of background you have, or how old you are.
These rules are the same today as they were thousands of years ago. They’ll be the same thousands of years in the future. When our current society is one of many societies of antiquity.
Future Building
Most people have been lulled into a false sense of security. This may be by design, but it may be an organic process. A side effect of a post industrial economy. But when you understand how to properly understand your past, and see how it creates your future, you will have a fighting chance.
Why People Give Up
You’ll learn a dead simple model of why we do everything we do. Why some things are hard to continue, and others are easy. Why the gyms are always packed after new years, but it never lasts.
Why all goals fizzle, why most people are broke, and why everybody secretly wants to be famous but never does anything to get there.
Powerful Mind Equation
You’ll understand why whether you succeed has nothing whatsoever to do with willpower. You’ll learn the real truth why some fail and others don’t. Even better, you’ll learn how to re-write this equation to make everything easier.
The Truth of Consciousness
This is a puzzle that is both mysteriously maddening yet breathtakingly simple. What it is may never be understood. But when you read this guide, you’ll understand why it works. Even better, is you’ll know how to use your consciousness most effectively.
See Everything Clearly
This guide is as close to a human mind-body system operators manual as you will ever get. Life is pretty simple once you get rid of modern self help myths and political promises. Simple, but not easy.
Simple once you see the rules. But not so easy to create the life you want. This takes work. It always has, and it always will. But when you know the rules, it will be work you enjoy doing.
Humans Are Dreamers
You’ll know exactly why you dream. What purpose those dreams serve. How to leverage your deepest and most compelling fantasies to be the driving force of your life.
Dreams Plus Action Is Life
Doing work without knowing why sucks. Dreaming without knowing how to get started sucks. But when you figure it out, and calibrate your dreaming mind and your acting body, to modern society, you will feel a forward compulsion better than any drug.
You’ll finally know your purpose. You’ll feel your purpose.
You’ll live your purpose. You’ll ditch the wishing and hoping and guessing and switch on your inner drive to succeed. At anything.
What’s Inside
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- The Nature Of Human Behavior
- The Energy Pump Model
- Instincts and Compulsions
- The State Change Model
- The Reality Operation Model
- Three Step Outcome
- Why Consciousness is Optional
- Positive Energy Outcomes
- Positive Action Outcomes
- Positive Emotional Outcomes
- Internal Value Measurements
- The Myth of Objectivity
- What Most Economists Get Wrong
- The Learning Human
- The Programmable Mind
- Lifelong Learning Instincts
- Three Levels of Learning
- Unlimited Upper Levels
- The Natural Learner
- How To Increase Potential
- How To Manifest Potential
- Imagination and Reality
- Why You Can’t Not Learn
- Why Learning is Required
- How To Direct Learning
- Wishes vs. Plans
- The Danger of False Hope
- The Benefits Of Valid Hope
- The Childhood Mindset
- The Adult Mindset
- The Need For Transitions
- The Need For Independence
- The Source of All Ills
- What An Ideal Society Looks Like
- The Maximized Human Potential
- Why All Societies Collapse
- Common Corruption Themes
- One Word To Destroy Everything
- Reasons for Love
- Costs and Benefits of Love
- Unknown Opportunity Costs
- Why Modern Dating Sucks
- Why Most Relationships Fail
- The Three Sources of Failure
- How To Avoid Failure
- Why We Love Romantic Fantasies
- Why Love Fantasies Are Deadly
- How To Build Real Love
- How To Avoid Emotional Disaster
- How To Avoid Financial Disaster
- How To Achieve Relationship Success
- Law of Unintended Consequences
- Human Chaos Theory
- The Red Queen Effect
- The Profit and Loss Model
- How To Accept All Feedback
- How To Appreciate All Feedback
- Why All Meaning Is Flexible
- How To Pre-Frame Meaning
- How To Pre-Define Meaning
- Why Most Goals Fail
- Why Willpower Is Irrelevant
- Why Quitting Is Rational
- Leverage Your Dreaming Mind
- Leverage Your Fantasies
- Why All Dreams Are Suggestions
- Why Dreams Are Recommendations
- The Secret of Genius
- The Persistence Hunting Model
- The Truth About Perspiration
- Why Reality Will Never Match Fantasy
- How To Avoid The Letdown Effect
- How To Calibrate Your Expectations
- How to Leverage Your Dreams
- How to Interpret Your Dreams
- How To Find Motivation In Dreams
- The Robot Human Model
- The Truth of Self Awareness
- Myths of Free Will
- Truths of Free Will
- The Instinctive Reasons For Free Will
- Arguments Against Free Will
- Why Willpower Doesn’t Exist
- Creating New Instincts
- More Instincts Means More Results
- The Human Purpose
- Maximizing Your Purpose
- The Horizon Strategy
- The Milestone Strategy
- How To Create Your Past
- How To Leverage Your Past
- How Your Ideal Past Can Drive You
- Much, Much More
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Ditch Magical Thinking
Wishing and hoping feels good. But they don’t create squat. Learn the truth about life and human nature. Get this guide now and play to win.
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Jack Yourself Rich
In order to get what you want, you’ve got to get in there and get some. Know the rules, know the strategies, and it’ll be much easier. Get this guide now and put your skills to work.
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Human Operators Manual
Stop stumbling around in the dark. Tell phony gurus and snake oils salesman to take a hike. Understand the rules of the game and get yours. Get this guide now and make your mark.
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