The Watching Mind
Understand and Master The Deep Structure Beneath All Human Thinking and Decision Making
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Dear Friend,
Life ain’t easy. Most of us work hard to be able to just barely survive. We want a better life, but it always seems just out of reach.
What makes it even tougher is being surrounded by goofs who seemingly stumble through life and have it easy without even trying.
Never Ending Confusion
They say we have free will. Free will is the cornerstone of Western Civilization. But where is our free will when we want to talk to somebody across the room? Where is our free will when we can’t get out of bed on time?
We Do What They Tell Us To
For most of our lives, we’ve been told the same basic story. Show up, do what you’re told, and you’ll have a decent life. Put in an honest day’s work and you’ll get an honest day’s pay.
Be a good person, and you’ll be rewarded with a partner, a family, and a nice house in a nice neighborhood. This used to be true. But it’s not true anymore.
Not An Economic Treatise
This guide is not filled with nonsense about the evil bankers or why politicians are all criminals and liars. We all know that. Knowing that doesn’t make things easier.
Not Red Pill Anger
This also isn’t about so called “red pill” ideas, which is another exercise in convoluted finger pointing. Sure, it helps to understand why the system is messed up. But we want more than just to understand why the system is rigged. We want better lives.
Human Owner’s Manual
This guide will go far beyond common finger pointing exercises. We don’t really care who the bad guys are. We don’t really care why the system is rigged, or who is rigging it.
That doesn’t help us do what we want to do. That doesn’t end the confusion. We want to know how to operate within the system. To thrive within the system.
Success Strategy
This guide is a recipe for success like no other. It is not filled with ideas and beliefs designed to make you feel good. In fact, just the process of understanding human nature will be pretty harsh.
Not For Metaphysical Buffs
If you are looking for a guide filled with positive statements about your inner power and your inherent specialness, please look somewhere else. This book is designed to help you understand human nature.
Not just the way we wish it is, but the way it really is. We’ll go far beyond that. You’ll be given specific exercises and strategies to finally build a sense of ownership.
A sense of freedom in a world surrounded by lucky idiots who keep stumbling into riches and sex.
Best of Both Worlds
We truly live in a fantastic time. But only if you know how. How to think. How to train your mind and body and behaviors. Some people are lucky. They just show up, do what’s natural and get paid.
The rest of us need to figure it out on our own. Unfortunately, most everybody else is clueless. Nobody really knows what’s going on. Nobody really knows why we do the things we do. But after you read this guide, you will.
Deep Insights
You’ll know why people keep making promises they never keep. You’ll understand exactly why dating, both online and off, is a dumpster fire of deception and hate.
But you’ll go far beyond understanding. You’ll know exactly what to do in order to fix it. For you.
Ancient Human Instincts
It’s pretty common today to know a bit about evolutionary psychology. It seems that everybody and their cousin has a blog and a YouTube channel spouting the same things. But they don’t go far enough. They don’t understand what to do about it.
Hunger Example
We know, for example, that our hunger is an unstoppable drive to keep us eating enough energy to stay alive. That in the old days, food was hard to come by and dangerous. So we had this never ending desire to eat everything and anything we could.
But that doesn’t help much today. Just knowing that you only need 2500 calories a day won’t do squat. Knowing about our instincts won’t help to manage them.
G.I. Joe Is Full Of Crap
A commonly quoted fictional superhero tells us that, “Knowing is half the battle.” That is false. Knowing you only need to eat 2500 calories never helped anybody lose weight. Not halfway, not even ten percent.
Double Deception
Not only do all the armchair evolutionary psychologists misunderstand this critical point, but they completely fail to recognize the most important human instinct. The one instinct that is as impossible to ignore as hunger.
Modern Misfire
This instinct is so clever, it remains hidden deeply in our subconscious. It is so good at hiding, that it makes us believe we do not have it. When you understand why this is, you will feel a sense of relief so freeing you’ll see society much differently.
X-Ray Vision
Just knowing what these instincts are, and how they operate will give you a massive advantage over everybody. But more importantly, it will help you to slowly recalibrate this absolutely necessary and ancient instinct.
All Fears Based On Misunderstanding
So long as this deep instinct is misunderstood, out of calibration and not even acknowledged, your fears will continue to exist. They will continue to keep you from living the life you want. They will keep you from expressing yourself the way you want.
Genuine Freedom
Once you understand how this vital instinct works, and how to recalibrate it, you will have an advantage over everybody. They’ll know the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you carry yourself. They way you speak.
Ignored and Misunderstood
Everybody else will still be driven by this instinct that is as ever present as hunger. But since they don’t understand it, they will never know what you know. They will never be able to do what you can do.
Ancient Currency
This instinct represents a kind of ancient currency. Whoever had this instinct the strongest, was recognized as being the most valuable human. This instinct is still projected, and still picked up. But since nobody but you will understand this, yours will be stronger.
Your ancient currency will be radiating at a strength unseen in common times. People will respond the same way we’ve been doing for tens of thousand of years. They will sense something about you that is much more powerful than everybody. Much more valuable than everybody else.
Honest Warning
There are two very serious things you need to consider before deciding to read and implement the ideas in this guide. One is they will forever change how you view humans and human nature. Many of these ideas will make you feel uncomfortable. Angry even.
But if you can get past that, your will gain keen insights into human nature. But the second part will be more difficult. You will know why the people around you have the problems they do.
Keep It To Yourself
They will be complaining about all the things people complain about today. They will think it’s because of some misguided red pill ideas. They’ll think they understand why they are so angry. But you will know the truth. And you will feel the need to tell them what’s what. Do not. This kind of information must be spoken about very delicately.
Potential Friend Killer
Unless you are extremely careful how you present this information to even your closest friends, they will be very angry at you.
Delicate Communication Strategy
That’s why we’ve included a very delicate technique to use on friends if you absolutely feel you must save them from continued anguish. Just be very careful when you do so.
Two Parts Of Your Life
Please think about this very carefully before you decide to read this guide. Because once you understand the ideas and reframes presented here, once you start do the exercises, there will be no going back. You will not be able to reset the clock.
There will be two clear times in your life. The time before you understood these ideas, and the time after.
Who Is This Guide For?
This guide will help anybody who needs to operate in the modern world. This is not specific to any gender or orientation or social class. If you are in a relationship you will get benefits. If you are single and looking you will get benefits. If you are single and happy you will get benefits. Rich, poor and everybody in between.
What’s Inside
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- Brain Operators Manual
- The Reason For Suffering
- The Path To Salvation
- Modern Problems
- Why Frustration Exists
- Built In Behavior Strategies
- Understanding Failure
- Basic Failure Structures
- Formula For Natural Success
- Understanding The Naturally Rich
- Deciphering The Naturally Successful
- Gifted Athlete Model
- Rise Self-Awareness
- Definitions of Consciousness
- Why The Brain Doesn’t Like Effort
- Why Mental Effort Is Shunned
- How To Build Your Mental Muscle
- Instinctive Behaviors
- Natural Human Instincts
- Learned Human Instincts
- The Slow Path of Evolution
- Mistakes In Evolutionary Psychology
- Curious Neurology
- What Science Says
- Limits of Science
- Necessity of Metaphors
- Map Territory Confusion
- Map Territory Frustration
- Best Learning Environments
- Maximizing Natural Learning
- The Need For Proper Models
- The Social Learning Instinct
- The Teaching Instinct
- Automatic Success Stories
- Why Some People Have It Easy
- Why Most People Struggle
- Understanding The Difference
- Complex Social Instincts
- Ancient vs. Modern Society
- The Source of Modern Anxiety
- Non-Famous Mental Skills
- The Need For Gratification
- The Puzzle Solving Instinct
- Why Brain Exercises Is Tiring
- Building Brains Like Bodies
- Comparison to Others
- The Stranger Danger Instinct
- The Social Cheater Instinct
- The Busy Body Instinct
- Why We Love Giving Advice
- Why We Hate Hearing Advice
- Artificial Social Status
- Recognizing Artificial Social Status
- Dismantling Artificial Social Status
- The Evil Should Instinct
- Why It Feels Good
- Why It Leads To Frustration
- How To Short Circuit The Should
- Why Buddha Was Correct
- Subjective Incentives
- Why They Must Be Present
- Why They Must Be Satisfied
- The ROI Instinct
- Why It Must Be Satisfied
- Understanding Energy
- Chasing and Eating Animals
- Planting and Harvesting
- The Energy in Fossil Fuels
- Destruction of Ancient Correlations
- The Relationship Between Energy and Debt
- The Decoupling of Necessary Connections
- Understanding All Modern Problems
- Social Status Misfires
- Junk Food Validation
- Why We Worry About Negative Validation
- How To Simulated Ancient Incentives
- How To Build Needed Guardrails
- The Moving Average Incentive
- Building Real Social Validation
- Eliminating Fake Social Validation
- Removing Fear of Negative Social Signals
- Calibrating Your Career
- How To Plan A Dream Career
- The Dangers of The Fantasy Career
- Why Lotteries Destroy Happiness
- The Blue Collar Metaphor
- Dangers Instant Gratification
- The Modern Destroyer
- Building Up Delayed Gratification
- Building Real Money Skills
- Building Real Money Creativity
- Re-Awakening Instinctive Money Intelligence
- Ending Negative Thinking
- Understanding Necessity of Negative Thinking
- Creating Stronger Positive Thoughts
- Secrets From Ancient Religions
- Modern Ego Misfires
- Re-Calibrate Your Ego
- Why A Healthy Ego Is Vital
- How To Build a Healthy Ego
- Recognizing Externalizing
- Understanding Dating Horrors
- The Modern Dating Dumpster Fire
- Healthy Ego Referencing
- How To Help Others
- How To Avoid Anger
- Powerful Question Techniques
- Question Based Helping
- Lead Them To Their Solutions
- The Most Powerful Question Model
- Building A Daily Practice
- Starting Slow Enough
- The Importance of Momentum
- How To Love Every Day
- Much, Much, More
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Obliterate Frustration
Understand the truth of human nature. Recalibrate your most important instinct and live on purpose. Learn to thrive in the modern world. Get this guide now and learn how.
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Stop Guessing – Start Guessing
Whether you want more money, better social situations or a deeper feeling of potential, this guide will show you how. By understanding the structure of thought and fine tuning it for the modern world, life will become an exciting adventure. Get this guide now and get started.
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Radiate Your True Power
Shift your thinking and behavior for the modern world and people will notice. They’ll sense something about you that is very attractive, very charismatic, and very rare. Get this guide now and magnetize your life.
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