Wealth Tuning
Train Your Mind To Automatically Think In Ways That Consistently Generate Wealth
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Dear Friend,
For some people, making money is easy. You know who I’m talking about. They just show up and do whatever comes naturally. For them, it works.
Maybe there were born at the right place and the right time with the right skills. Maybe they happened to have the right teacher that gave them the right motivation in the right way.
Right Time Right Place
If Bill Gates had been alive in the 1930’s, he might not have amounted to much. Having an idea isn’t just enough. Having an idea at the right time isn’t just enough.
Most people are incredibly wealthy because they not only had the right skills at the right time, but they also had the motivation to relentlessly present their skills to the right people. Over and over and over.
Just by sheer numbers, in a world with a few hundred million people capable of coming up with technological breakthroughs, you’re bound to have a few hundred millionaires, and a few billionaires.
Can Anybody Be Wealthy?
If you go by pure chance, only a few will just happen to have the collection of skills that will make them rich. But what about people to don’t have those skills?
Millionaire Next Door
Most millionaires live surprisingly simple lives. They live in normal neighborhoods in normal houses. They have normal wives, normal kids, and drive normal cars. But they are not normal. They have a million dollars, and most people don’t. What’s their secret?
Reverse Engineering Myth
There’s an idea in NLP (sometimes called the study of excellence) that you can reverse engineer success. But this is only partially true. Sure you need to copy the things they did, so you can do them. But that’s usually all those modeling types tell you.
Don’t Do What They Didn’t Do
But you also need to not do what they didn’t do. Which is kind of hard, since it’s hard to tell what they didn’t do. They probably don’t know what they didn’t do!
Mix Of Conscious And Unconscious
Ask any successful entrepreneur after a long and successful career, and they’ll say that “luck” had a lot of do with it. What does this mean? This means they tried things without really knowing what would happen. Sometimes they worked, sometimes they didn’t.
Impossible To Reverse Engineer Haphazard Success
Think of an athlete, in one-player sport like golf. With every single swing, the golfer has no idea where the ball will land. He has a hope of where it will land. But hope doesn’t translate to tournament wins. All players have the same hopes.
The Best Golfers Make Lousy Shots
But even the best golfers hit it into the water. If golfers could put the ball wherever they wanted, they’d never lose. It would be like watching a bunch of robots play. Every match would end in a tie. That would be boring.
How Can We Reverse Engineer Randomness?
Take this idea into the business world, and it’s tough to see how we could reverse engineer or model any success, even small ones. One golfer makes a good putt. We could try all day to copy him and still not make it in the hole. (Well, I couldn’t because I absolutely suck at golf!)
Step By Step Riches?
Yet, look anywhere online, and you’ll find hundreds of expensive courses teaching you these allegedly “step by step” ways to become successful. How is that even possible when something as simple as making a putt (or a free throw or a pitch) is anything but step-by-step-simple?
Most Things Involve Other People
Golf holes, basketball hoops, home plates, these are static things. If we can’t simply copy how a pro throws a ball at these static things (that are just sitting there and not moving) how the heck are we supposed to implement a “step by step” system that involves other people?
“There’s Got To Be A Better Way!”
One of my favorite songs is from The Who, specifically, “Who Are You.” And one of my favorite lines is the above quote that the singer belts out in desperation. Obviously, those “step by step” blueprints to anything are missing a lot.
The Missing Ingredient
The path to riches is different for everybody. It has to be. The basic law of supply and demand teaches us that it something is in large supply, it can’t be worth very much. If there were some magical step-by-step system to riches, everybody would be doing it.
Everybody Wins The Lottery
It would be like in the movie, “Bruce Almighty,” when Jim Carrey had to be God, and he answered everybody’s prayers. Everybody wanted to win the lottery, and because Bruce sucked at being God, he let everybody win. Which meant they only got a couple dollars each.
Inside Out
Your true path to riches has to be discovered. All paths to riches involves discovering a new way to do something. A better way. A cheaper way. A more interesting way.
Just like all those successful people, who just showed up and did whatever came naturally. None of those guys and gals, at the beginning of their career know exactly HOW they’d get their riches. They had to discover their own path, just like you will discover your own path.
Inside Game
Those who are looking for a laid out blueprint to wealth are looking in the wrong direction. Nobody can give you a blueprint. You have to find your own. That’s what this course will teach you. How to do that. So you can start doing what comes naturally, with your new thinking, and get paid. A lot. A whole lot. Not just once. Over and over. For the rest of your life.
Wealth Mindset
Having a wealth mindset requires more than just wanting more money. Everybody wants more money. But until you get rid of some of the negative money beliefs we ALL come preprogrammed with, you’ll be dead in the water before you get going.
Making Money Is Easy
You’ll learn why money is the greatest invention humans have ever created. Without money, we have to trade. Barter like they did way in the old days. Money is potential stuff. It’s always a reward for your efforts.
Money Strategy Is Simple
Now you’re head is filled with anxiety and limiting ideas about yourself. Everybody has these. But once you re-tune your thinking, making money will be easy. A sack of cash won’t land in your lap. You’ll still have to go out into the world, develop skills and turn those skills into income streams. But with the right mindset, tuned for wealth, that will be easy. Enjoyable. Fun.
Making Money Is Human Nature
You’ll learn that getting out into the world, interacting with others, and slowly growing your money making skills is pretty much who you are. You will feel just like those entrepreneurs did at the beginning of their careers.
You’ll have some ideas, get out there and mingle, and turn those ideas into income streams. And you’ll keep doing it a long time. You’ll discover that making money (not passively receiving it) is the BEST feeling we humans can feel.
Making Money Is Fun
Let all the other folks wish for instant and easy riches. You were put on Earth to act in ways that make money. You’ll learn exactly why (and how) the more money you are making, the more you’re enjoying life.
With your new wealth-tuned brain, every single thing you need to do to make money will be easy. Natural. Spontaneous. To you, it will seem straightforward and simple. To others, it will seem like magic.
When you were a kid, you went down to the local playground. Maybe you learned a few games to play with the other kids. When you started playing these games, maybe you sucked. Then maybe you got better. This is human nature. This is how we roll. We get out there, interact with others. Clumsily at first, and then we slowly get better.
Making Money Is Who You Are
Humans have been doing this every since they invented farming. You get in the game, learn some skills and get paid. Then more you learn, the more you get. The more creatively you think about how to apply your skills, the more money you’ll get.
Making Money Is Simple
Once you re-calibrate your brain, and think about money the way you should, and think about YOU the way you should, making money will be straightforward. It will be natural and simple. You’ll feel like a kid on Halloween. The more houses you go to, the more candy you get.
Learning Skills Is Simple
Your brain is a learning machine. The more things you try, the more stuff you’ll learn. The more stuff you learn, the more stuff you want to learn. When you point your natural learner at money making skills, learning new things will feel fantastic.
Interacting With Others Is Easy And Natural
You may not think that now. But even if you are an absolute introvert, once you learn the “people skills” in this course, you will enjoy people, and more importantly, people will enjoy you. And you will enjoy that other people enjoy you. That they look forward to seeing you. It will feel a magnet pulling you to interact with other people.
Rejection Will Never Be A Concern
When you interact with people in the right way, you’ll never even think about getting rejected, since it will be impossible. You’ll never need to impose yourself on others. You’ll never need to get them to accept any idea in your head. It’s completely different than how most people think about other people.
Re-Calibrated Money Brain
Once you re-tune your thinking, you’ll be making money just like Bill Gates. You might not become a billionaire, but doing the things required to get as much money as you can out of the world will be easy, natural and enjoyable. You don’t need to force yourself or push yourself. Money will be pulling you. Beckoning you. You will WANT to do the things that will get you money. You will be COMPELLED to do them.
Scavenger Hunt
When I was a kid we would have scavenger hunts. We’d go looking through the neighborhood, banging on doors and asking for goofy things like a yellow clothespin. Whoever got the most stuff won. Once you re-tune your money mind, getting out into the world to make as much cash as you can will be just as fun. Just like kids game. The more fun you have, the more money you make.
Money Takes Time
Sure, you won’t poof a sack of money into your living room like some of those “law of attraction” courses teach. You will need to grow your wealth just like Gates or Zuckerberg or Bezos. But it will be a thoroughly enjoyable process. In fact, you may even say that’s your main purpose for existing.
Making Money Is Your Destiny
The more you help other people first, and satisfy their desires, the more money you’ll get. You’ll enjoy it. They’ll enjoy it. And you’ll get paid. Over and over and over. The more money you make, the more people who’s desires you’ve satisfied. That means the more money you make, the more people there will be that are glad you are alive.
What’s Included
This course contains everything you need. Make no mistake, this isn’t a once and done type of course. This course has ideas, exercises, daily drills. All can be done in the privacy of your own mind. The re-tuning process takes conscious effort and time. But you will be tuning your mind into one that enjoys doing the things that create wealth. Your entire life will take on new meaning.
Full Manual
- Limitations Of Studying Successful People
- Why Reverse Engineering Success Rarely Works
- Why Successful People Rarely Know Why They Were Successful
- The Hidden Data Nobody Notices
- The Structure of Existence
- The Purpose Of Human Life
- Separating Mythology From Truth
- Our Ancient Nomad Origins
- Why We Always Want More
- Why Wanting More Is Perfect
- Why Everybody Wants More Money
- The Source of Money Anxiety
- Structure of Money
- What Money Really Is
- Where Money Really Comes From
- The Easy Recipe For Consistent Success
- Ancient Human Mindsets
- The Worst Mindset For Making Money
- The Hidden Human Mindset
- Why It Is Much More Powerful
- Why It Trumps Everything
- Fundamental Basics Of Human Desire
- Internal And External Similarities
- Outside World – Inside Mind
- Origins of Society
- Why We Keep Growing
- Why We Keep Inventing
- Why Money Keeps Expanding
- How To Love The Process
- How To Master The Process
- Building Wealth Employee Style
- How To Make Yourself Irreplaceable
- How To Always Be In Demand
- Building Wealth Entrepreneur Style
- Why You Are A Genetic Entrepreneur
- The Genetic Basis For Wealth
- Understanding Human Thought
- The Origin Of Money
- The Origin Of Credit
- The Origin Of Banking
- Understanding and Mastering The Process
- The Human Entrepreneur
- Why Always Subconsciously Reinvent Yourself
- How To Get Paid For What You’re Already Doing
- How To Maximize Your Money Skills
- Basic Money Mindset
- Simple Ingredients Needed
- Simply Daily Exercises
- How To Unlock Desire Energy
- How To Leverage Desire Energy
- How To Create Specific Money Desire
- How To Harness Specific Money Desires
- Source Of Money Fears
- Why Everybody Has Money Fears
- Daily Exercises to Erase Money Fears
- Daily Exercises To Obliterate Money Anxiety
- Develop Deep Money Appreciation
- How To Appreciate Money as a Concept
- How To Appreciate Your Future Money
- Unleash Your Desire Energy
- Building Skill Appreciation
- Re-Tune Your Skill Memory
- Develop Massive Skill Congruence
- Find Forgotten Money Skills
- Open Other People Desires
- Maximize Other People Desires
- Creating Raw Money Mental Material
- Letting Raw Money Mental Material Incubate
- How To Trust Your Subconscious
- How To Keep Feeding Your Subconscious Raw Money Material
- Desire Treasure Hunting
- Re-Tune Your Opinion Of People
- How To See Everybody As Desperate For You
- Future Skills Brainstorming
- How To Find Seeds Everywhere
- Turn Seeds Into Concrete Ideas
- The One Ingredient You Must Embrace
- The One Ingredient That Will Spur You To Genius
- Quickly Exposure Skills
- Eradicate Any Idea Of Rejection
- Learn To Embrace All Feedback
- Advanced Hate Deflection Tactics
- Learn To Extract Data and Ignore Emotions
- How Angry Customers Can Lead To Wealth
- How Angry Customers Can Lead To Genius Ideas
- How All Data Leads To Money
- Embrace The Money Reality
- See Money Energy Everywhere
- Feel The Flow Of Infinite Money
- Powerful Money Journaling Tactics
- Turn Your Dreams Into A Money Machine
- Get Ideas Gushing From Nowhere
- Turn Loose Your Money Genius
- Embrace Your Wealth Building Purpose
- Accept Your True Money Purpose
Listening Sessions
The manual will give you all the information you need to get a deeper appreciation of money and all money making activities. You will also learn many journaling techniques and exercises to open your own money potential. But just to make sure you turn into a money-making-machine, and continue the forward progress of humanity, you will get powerful subliminal sessions. Theses sessions, when combined with the exercises and insights in the manual, will rapidly accelerate your money making abilities.
Three Level Subliminal Programming
These sessions are designed to program your mind on three levels. Higher mind, where you know what’s happening, your inner mind, on the border between conscious and unconscious understanding, and your deeper mind, far below your normal level of conscious awareness.
Higher Mind
Awake and alert subliminal programming. Listen to these session when in any social situation and feel social concerns evaporate. Use these when actually out and observing others, doing exercises, brainstorming, or journaling. These Gamma Sessions will give you an immediate boost, raising your consciousness while bathing your brain with the relentlessly positive subliminal messages. Four voices will be speaking at once, two male, two female, all using both first and third person. Each session has over 400 statements that will add to a profound shift in beliefs and abilities.
Conscious Unconscious Interface
Four voices backed by Theta Brainwave inducing sounds. Theta is when your mind is on the border between awake and asleep. The realm of consciousness where thoughts become things, where you can slowly begin to augment your reality. Create a visualizing (based on the journaling and your growing money awareness) and hold on to that image right at the border between dreams and sleep while your conscious and unconscious are simultaneously reprogrammed.
Deep Subconscious
These powerful sessions have 256 voices, all speaking at once. A fire hose of powerful information flooding your subconscious with powerful ideas about the new money making power you are learning to harness. Create the visualization based on the instructions in the guide, hang onto it for as long as you can while the careful blends of voices, sounds and gentle noise put you into a deep sleep, where your mind will be reprogrammed on a deep level.
Session Descriptions
Burning Desire Generator
Anything is possible with a strong enough desire. Learn to expand and appreciate your never ending drive. Leverage this natural and inexhaustible inner energy to create your financial empire.
- Awaken Your Eternal Seeker
- Appreciate Desire Energy
- Unlock Hidden Desire Energy
- Develop Unstoppable Drive
- Uncover Relentless Motivation
- Become A Non Stop Achiever
- Turbo Charge Your Natural Curiosity
- Release Unbridled Craving
- Feel Relentless Lust For Success
- Obliterate All Hesitation
- Become An Insistent Force Of Growth
Desire Seeker
Learn to see the unlimited desire within others. Expand it, maximize it and make as much money as you can by satisfying it. Gain a deep appreciation for the nearly infinite desires within every single human on Earth, and the business opportunities they represent.
- Leverage The Never Ending Wants of Others
- Tap Hidden Markets
- Explore Unknown Problems To Solve
- Reverse Communication Style
- Become An In Demand Person
- Expand Their Deep Fantasies
- Appreciate Hidden Sources of Creativity
- See Everybody In A Different Light
- Easily Create New Relationship
- Effortlessly Expand You Network
- Eradicate Any Thought Of Rejection
Explorer Mindset
Become a non stop explorer, eager to discover as many opportunities as you can. Open up your natural creativity and allow it to pull you forward into your wealthy future with unstoppable force.
- Find Your Hidden Interests
- Develop Lifelong Learning
- Uncover Your True Purpose
- Enjoy The Path of Growth
- Continuous Expansion Of Possibility
- Relentless Search For Money Opportunities
- See Things Others Don’t
- See Things Others Are Afraid To
- Tap Your Ancient Drive For Discovery
- Maximize Your Mental Potential
- Create More Than You Think Possible
Information Tuning
Become a sponge for helpful data and information. Tune your mind to the right frequency to increase your skills and the money making value you provide to others. See everything in the world as a vast resource of information, just waiting for you to tap.
- Become An Information Sponge
- Make Subconscious Connections
- Unleash Your Relentless Learner
- Become A Life Long Skill Collector
- Generate Unlimited Creativity
- Powerful Brainstorming Skills
- Endless Intellectual Expansion
- Maximize Your Time
- Continuously Increase Productivity
- Steady Increase In Efficiency
- Unstoppable Thirst For Knowledge
Money Instinct
Understand the absolute beauty of money as a concept. Rid yourself of false money fears and anxieties based on money myths. Embrace money as the true metaphysical force of economic and societal expansion that eradicates lack and creates happiness.
- Obliterate Money Fears
- Leave Behind Money Worries
- Embrace Money Energy
- See Money Opportunities Everywhere
- Deep Appreciation Of All Money
- Eagerly Ask For Any Sale
- Slip Into Global Money Flow
- Endless Money Ideas
- Calibrate Your Money Mind
- Destroy False Money Myths
- End All Scarcity And Lack
Pleasure Calibration
Learn to love money making activities. Find the perfect labor-leisure balance that maximizes your income stream. Enjoy laying every single brick of your financial empire.
- Enjoy Money Building Activities
- Connect Pleasure To Profits
- Join Productivity And Enjoyment
- Enjoy What Gets You Paid
- Maximize Your Personal Money Balance
- Appreciate Wealth Building Activities
- Luxuriate In Money Learning Tasks
- Savor In Money Building Skills
- Ditch Time Wasting Behavior
- Leave Behind Unprofitable Hobbies
- Relish Every Step Of Empire Building
Social Expansion
See people for what they are: An unlimited source of desire they’ll happily pay you to satisfy. Feel the deep truth that behind every stranger’s face is a multitude of money making opportunities. See people as desperate for somebody like you to open up their inner desires.
- Discover A Natural Love Of Others
- Easily Build Any Network
- Enjoy Talking To Strangers
- Build An Army Of Supporters
- Reject The Idea Of Rejection
- Explode People’s Desires
- Fill Your Mind With Opportunity
- Rid Yourself Of Social Fears
- Obliterate All Social Anxiety
- Enjoy Making Money Connections
- Resonate With Natural Social Energy
Master Mix
Use to fine tune your money power and blast your subconscious with all voices and all statements at once. Blast away every last remnant of money anxiety and lack.
- All Sessions Mixed
- Gamma Master – Perfect For Journaling and Brainstorming
- 4V Theta Master – Quick Money Beliefs
- 256V Theta Master – Thousands of Voices
- Overflow Your Subconscious with New Beliefs
- Slow Growth In All Areas
- Resonant Money Meditation
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Make Money Naturally
Tweak the way you think about yourself, the world and money. Start doing things based on your new money intuition, and get paid. Re-calibrate your mind into a wealth generating powerhouse. Get this course now and leave lack behind for good.
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Take Your Place In History
You were put here on this Earth to get rich. To build wealth by satisfying human desires and solving human problems. Tune your money mind, get in the game, and leave the world better than when you came. Solve problems, satisfy desires, and get paid.
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Reach Your Potential
The more money you are making, the closer you are getting to your true potential. Get this course and learn exactly why getting paid is the best thanks you can ever receive for doing good on this Earth. Stop wasting your inherent gifts and turn on your inner money-maker. Get this course now and the world will thank you.
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