It’s pretty easy these days to become manipulated without even knowing it.
And when I say “these days” don’t mean just recently, I mean in the past few decades, since the explosion of advertising.
I don’t how accurate they are, but there are all kinds of stories of government psychologists, some allegedly related to Freud himself, who came up with these massive programs to slowly shape the collective thinking.
These programs were then utilized by advertisers, to get us, in the words of Tyler Durden (of Fight Club) to “use money we don’t have, to buy things we don’t need.”
I’m sure you are aware of the power of hypnosis, right?
What’s involved? You get into a relaxed state, and your mind is bombarded with suggestions intended to shape your beliefs for a happier and more resourceful life.
That’s great if you are aware of the suggestions, or you’ve had a long talk with your hypnotist so he or she has your best interests in mind.
But what if those suggestions aren’t really based on your own interests?
Is this even possible? It most certainly is, and has been used since the fifties.
I’m not talking about some super secret MK Ultra program, I’m talking about your basic, run of the mill advertising on TV.
There you are, plopped down on the couch. Relaxed. In deep rapport with your TV set. In the middle of your favorite show. Your conscious, critical factor, is off happily snoozing in la la land.
Every twenty minutes or so, while you’re deep in trance, and wide open to suggestions, you get hit with advert after advert.
This happens to all of us, several times a day. Then when we’re shopping, we fill our carts with junk like programmed zombies.
So, what should we do? Stop watching TV and start reading books instead? Not a chance. I love TV. I love losing myself in some goofy story about a bunch of clearly fake characters. I’m sure do as well. It’s human nature.
How can we defend ourselves? Easy. The best defense is a good offense. The reason advertising and government propaganda works so well is most of us have no clue what we’re doing in life.
Few of us rarely take the time to sit down and plan our lives, so we can achieve much more than average. We kind of stumble through, leaving our brains open to whoever has the best commercial.
Of course, when you do sit down, plan your life, and are in the process of creating it, you’ll have a subconscious defense shield against all those advertising clowns on TV.
The more you participate in the creation of your own life, the less power those other forces will have on you.
Start building today: