Once Upon A Time
We humans love a good story.
The entire storytelling industry is in the billions.
Movies, TV, fiction, graphic novels, even video games all satisfy this storytelling need.
We need stories like we need food and sex.
Imagine what it must have been like way back before writing was invented.
Way back before farming was invented.
We had the same brains and thinking capacity we have today.
But back then, we didn’t know ANYTHING.
But we HAD to make sense of EVERYTHING.
The stars, the thunder, the animals we hunted.
And we made sense of all those things by metaphors.
Stories about people up in the sky.
What the stars were.
The Human Soul
And the idea that we had some kind of “essence,” something we may call a soul is also kind of easy to imagine.
Or at least imagine how it was back then.
A fire is something that seems “alive.”
It’s an extremely helpful tool.
Modern linguists tell us we use metaphors to describe intangible objects.
Or even tangible objects.
Like if cut the bread “with a knife.”
We fixed the sink “with” a wrench.
But we also use “with” with people.
I went clubbing “with” my friends.
That’s why they say a “tool” uses the companion metaphor.
I Can’t Leave Her
Once I sold cars.
And I sold a new SUV to this lady.
And she was legit sad to trade in her old SUV.
I had over 200K miles on it.
She wanted very much to linger with her old car, before signing the paperwork.
This is normal human behavior.
You have an inanimate object for a long time.
It’s common to think of it as a friend.
This is why it’s dangerous to throw this stuff out, if it belongs to somebody else.
Anyhow, back to the fire metaphor.
A helpful companion.
It helps us cook, to stay safe, and to hunt.
So when the fire “dies” at night, the remnants of the fire, kind of drift up toward the heavens.
When our companions die on the battle field, it’s very easy to assume their “essence” drifts up to the heavens as well.
We lived very much in the world of pure metaphors for tens of thousands of years.
Unfulfilled Need
All this stuff we “allegedly” know from science makes is believe no longer need metaphors.
Or stories.
We very much do.
We need metaphors, stories, humor, just as much as we need food and sex and safety.
But consider that very much like most of our food today is overly processed junk food, so is our stories.
Books, movies, serial dramas, sure they are entertaining.
But they don’t leave much of an impact.
Not like old school, “oral tradition” stories and storytelling.
Become a master storyteller, and feed their souls.
They will treat you like a god.
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