Practice Makes Better
Over a billion people in the world practice some form of martial art.
Many practice a slow moving kind.
Like Tai Chi or Qi Gong.
Not for fighting, but derived from fighting.
Moving energy around.
Increasing health, posture, sleep, organ function, etc.
As legend has it, the dude who “invented” Kung Fu copied it from a preying mantis.
This has shown up in a few movies.
This is pretty common for us humans.
We copy from each other, and we copy from animals.
We CAN do this today.
Very few do.
Way back in the day, we would tell each other stories to inspire each other.
So when we needed help, based on the situation, we had a HUGE library of archetypes to draw from.
Imaginary Friends
So we would never feel alone.
This is a very critical instinct.
To hear a bunch of stories, and believe they were real.
So we could really feel the support of these imaginary people.
But today, most don’t treat stories this way.
People complain that stories aren’t “realistic.”
As if we watch a movie and then reality is SUPPOSED to be like the movie.
Consider a different idea.
That movies, stories, etc., represent the IDEAL.
Things we CAN strive toward.
Not easily.
Not quickly.
But something that we COULD create one day, should we decide to.
But even movies today aren’t like they used to be.
Few movies have old school character arcs.
Characters that must STRUGGLE to overcome their inner and outer demons.
Help When Needed
We NEED characters like this.
Because we all have inner and outer demons.
We’ll never NOT have inner and outer demons.
How you navigate these will have a huge impact on the quality of your life.
Today, we don’t need to physically fight any of these demons.
Not like back in the day.
Vicious people taking physical advantage of others.
Today it’s mostly mental.
The battles are not with swords, but with words and ideas.
Most people are passive observers.
Linguistic Battles
We watch people argue on TV, or online, on social media.
To the extent we do engage, we don’t use much flexibility.
But you can.
It is very possible.
To practice the “art” of engagement.
Of discourse.
To stand out from the crowd of passive observers.
This is where most of the action is today.
And just like in physical fighting, there are some very, very powerful linguistic techniques.
To win battles.
To win hearts.
And create love and money where none existed before.
This is a skill few know exist.
But one with no upper limit.
The more you practice, the better you get.
The more rewards you’ll get.
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