Instructions: Listen with eyes closed and relaxed, not while studying. Create a visualization of reading or studying complicated information while feeling a feeling of “this is pretty easy.” See yourself taking complicated tests with ease, quickly going through all the questions and answering them without difficulty. This will enhance your studying and recall. This is NOT a replacement for studying. For best results, use in conjunction with the Intelligence Accelerator Course. Do not listen while driving or operating heavy machinery.
Subliminal Messages
I easily pass tests
I pass any test
I study well
I perform well on tests
I am relaxed during tests
I am calm during tests
I have absolute recall during exams
I remember easily during exams
my memory is perfect
my mind is perfect
I study effectively
I study easily
I study with effectiveness
my mind is a sponge
I easily remember complicated information
I easily remember complex data
I can recall quickly and easily
my memory is sharp and true
I am an exam taking genius
I am an exam genius
I love taking exams
I have super human confidence during exams
my brain power is amazing
my brain power is mind boggling
I take exams quickly and effectively
I take exams quickly and efficiently
I take exams quickly and correctly
I can pass any test
I can pass any exam
I have a photographic memory
I have a perfect memory
I remember everything I read
I remember everything I hear
I remember everything I do
You easily pass tests
You pass any test
You study well
You perform well on tests
You are relaxed during tests
You are calm during tests
You have absolute recall during exams
You remember easily during exams
your memory is perfect
your mind is perfect
You study effectively
You study easily
You study with effectiveness
your mind is a sponge
You easily remember complicated information
You easily remember complex data
You can recall quickly and easily
your memory is sharp and true
You are an exam taking genius
You are an exam genius
You love taking exams
You have super human confidence during exams
your brain power is amazing
your brain power is mind boggling
You take exams quickly and effectively
You take exams quickly and efficiently
You take exams quickly and correctly
You can pass any test
You can pass any exam
You have a photographic memory
You have a perfect memory
You remember everything You read
You remember everything You hear
You remember everything You do