Fresh Breathed Gardener
Once there was a gardener.
Who was a hobbyist.
And very dedicated to his craft.
One day, he ordered some mouth wash.
To wash his mouth.
And freshen his breath.
Unfortunately, they sent him the wrong kind.
A year’s supply.
So he stacked the mouthwash in his tool shed.
And ordered the right kind.
Two weeks later.
He was watching a movie on TV.
Not A Bad Start
He decided to drink alcohol.
And make some popcorn.
While he was drunk.
He accidentally watered his plants.
With his mouthwash.
It had a strange effect on his plants.
They grew very different leaves.
So, he decided to roll them up.
And smoke them.
This Is Nice!
Since they smelled so delicious.
He got really high.
And some wonderful hallucinations.
He had his friend, the chemist, investigate.
The chemicals were unregulated.
So he could smoke his new invention.
Whenever he wanted.
Without worrying about the police.
Captured Market Disaster
Once upon a time, the government had a problem.
The cocaine labs they were using.
To make and sell cocaine to the public.
To keep them docile and compliant.
Was falling behind.
The technology developed by advanced chemists.
To make better cocaine at a better price.
Increase Your Game
So the government decided to catch up.
To reassert their position.
As the most powerful cocaine cartel on Earth.
By formulating the best cocaine.
At the best prices.
Call In Some Experts
They hired thousands of experts.
Chemists, biologists, botanists and time travelers.
To grow the best cocaine ever.
They tried various additions.
Peanut butter, various spices.
Algebra, calculus and even the arts.
They would leave no stone unturned.
I Can’t Believe This Works
Eventually, the found a winning combination.
A dash of soy sauce.
A splash of advanced chemistry.
A teaspoon filled with magic.
Soon the government lab.
Grew the best cocaine in the world.
Unfortunately, many of the scientists.
Free Market Always Wins
Were free market spies of their competition.
And all of this was made up completely.
So nobody can ever remember any of this.
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