Many people struggle in life. Well, if we’re honest, most of us struggle. Why is that?
One reason is that for many of us, we don’t really know why we do things. We go to work so we don’t get yelled at. We pay our bills so we don’t ruin our credit. We wear clothes that match so people don’t look at us funny.
One thing that’s been known to give people much more self confidence, self esteem, and personal worth is to go after something that they themselves have chosen.
After all, which do you think would be easier? Digging a hole because some guy is standing there with a gun, threatening to shoot you, or because you and only you know that there is gold buried there?
Obviously, if you had some kind of inside knowledge, digging for gold would be a lot of fun, if you KNEW that you’d get to it in a few hours, or even a few days or weeks.
That’s what happens to us humans when we are actively pursuing goals that we ourselves have chosen. Maybe it’s because we evolved to always be chasing after that elusive heard of fat and tasty zebras, but unless we’re actively going after SOMETHING, we just don’t feel right.
So, what do you want? If you had a magic wand, and could create anything you wanted, what would you get? Bigger house? Bigger bank account? Six pack abs? A degree in electrical engineering?
Take some time, choose something that YOU want, and take steps to get it. Make sure you do something, anything, every single day to move closer to your goal. Even if it’s to journal to yourself about how nice it will feel when you get there.
Be careful, though. One of the traps of goal setting is it’s really hard to choose a goal that’s 100% YOURS. Society’s been brainwashing us since we were barely able to mutter a sound to try and “fit in” so make sure your goal is really YOURS.
Sometimes this is the hardest, and longest part of goal setting. Take your time, choose something that’s really important to YOU, and start going after it.
Just like those ancient zebra hunting humans, it will make you feel alive.
Really alive.