Wanna walk up to a girl and have her rapt attention?
Seems to be harder than ever these days when people can’t go ten seconds without staring at their phones for fear of having a seizure…
You just gotta up your game a little bit. The trick is three fold.
Step One
You’ve gotta be excited. This is one of those “fake it till you make it” kind of things. Just speak with lots of enthusiasm, varying amounts of facial expressions and wide sweeping gestures. The easiest way to do this is to simply talk about stuff you’re excited about. Girls are much more attracted to your structure anyhow.
Step Two
This part’s easy. Put in pauses in the middle of your sentences, where they aren’t expected. Most people pause where they would put a period. It’s better to pause in the middle of a phrase, typically between the verb and the noun.
So instead of this: “Yesterday I was shopping for bananas. (pause) I found these really ripe ones.”
Try this: “Yesterday (pause) I was shopping for (pause) bananas. I found these really (pause) ripe ones.”
She’ll naturally pay more attention, as the pauses will kind of leave her hanging.
Step Three
Break off stories halfway through, like episodes of Breaking Bad or Lost. Start off one story (doesn’t matter what it’s about) and get right up to the climax, and then start another story. Use a simple transition phrase like “it was like when…” or something similar.
Each one of these three will get you much further than any memorized “content.” You’ll find that you can talk about anything, and she’ll listen with much more attention than more.
But if you can manage to put all three together during the course of an opening conversation? You WILL stand out from all the other schmoes out there.
You’ll demonstrate emotion AND you’ll keep her hanging on every word.
When you leave, she’ll be thinking, “who WAS that guy?”