In order to be successful with a girl, either a girl you haven’t met yet, or girl you’re currently working on, you’ve to have the right “mix” of emotions.
If you are too needy, you’ll push her away. Often times guys meet some girl, get some positive feedback, and then go nuts. They text her every five minutes and get ultra butt hurt if she doesn’t text back right away.
Granted, this is tough to do, especially if you are really into her, or it’s been a long time since you’ve experienced some genuine love and affection.
But often times when we follow our guts, we’ll get the opposite of what we want.
If you don’t have much else going on in your life, once you meet a cute girl that both spins your propellers AND gives you early positive feedback, it’s literally IMPOSSIBLE to keep your mind off her.
If you use will power alone, and try and follow some pre-set “rules” about texting, you’re likely doomed to failure.
That’s why getting some thing else in your life, something you can focus on to take your mind off her is absolutely crucial.
Not some past time or hobby like video games or hanging with your boys. Something that you are building. Some far off target you’ve got, something that really gets your juices flowing.
Getting a black belt in a martial arts, starting your own business, mastering some kind of complicated software like Photoshop, or even building up your YouTube channel.
Anything that you can turn to keep your mind off her will go a long ways in INCREASING your attractiveness.
When a girl knows that ONE, you are into her, and TWO, you’ve got something going on in your life BESIDES her, then SHE’S the one who’s not going to be able to stop thinking about YOU.
If you don’t have anything like that in your life, pick something, something big, and start taking daily steps to get there.
The point is not to get too hung up on actually getting there, but taking those daily steps, that will create that deep and powerful feeling of “girls aren’t the ONLY thing in my life.”
To learn how, check this out: