Often times you’ll grab your balls, make a move, and right when you think everything’s going good, she’ll something that stops many guys dead in their tracks.
“I’m not looking for a relationship.” Or some other variation.
Clearly, guys meet girls in places where guys meet girls because they are looking for a relationship. For some guys that means a one weekend relationship, for other guys that means a lifelong relationship.
Either way, it’s hard to respond to this. After all, that’s why you’re over there.
So, how do you handle this?
The first step is to not disagree with her. Sure, when she’s talking about her favorite band or favorite TV show, playfully busting her balls is a good way to amp up attraction.
But anything dealing with relationships or male female interaction should be respected.
Meaning in order to maintain rapport, you want to “pace her model of the world.”
The easiest way is to simply agree and amplify.
Meaning if she says she’s not looking for a relationship, you immediately show you understand, and that neither are you.
Something like this:
“Oh, I totally understand. I just got out of a long one, and I’m not sure if I can EVER get into a relationship again. That was a REAL doozy.”
Notice what you’re saying. You’re not saying that your ex is a crazed nutjob. (which she might interpret to be you having a problem with women.) You’re not saying what went wrong.
Your just pacing her model of the world, and taking the pressure off.
When she says she’s not looking for a relationship, it could mean she’s not looking for a relationship AT ALL, in which case you want to take care of those fears by saying that you aren’t either. Once you can do that, you can continue with the conversation.
Or, it could mean that she doesn’t want a relationship WITH YOU. In which case you STILL address those fears, and continue the conversation.
Either way, you pace and neutralize the objection in way that will allow you to continue the conversation, and continue to build attraction.
Giving her the freedom to “change her mind” so when she DOES fall for you, since BOTH OF YOU said you weren’t looking for anything, it will feel like it “Just Happened.”
Just like in the movies.
To learn how to covertly handle all her other objections (which will come in the strangest ways) click the link below.