If you don’t have a girlfriend, it can get pretty lonely. If you want to know how to get a girlfriend, it can get pretty confusing, and pretty frustrating.
However, if you take a step back, and look at it from a structural point of view, it’s not so difficult. After all, any goal is simple once you break it down into small enough chunks.
This guide on how to get a girlfriend will do just that.
Now, we’d all like to magically bump into a girl and have it work out perfectly just like in the movies, but it rarely works out like that.
That’s both good news and bad news. It’s bad news because we’ve got to get out there and actually talk to people, open up ourselves to potential rejection, and maybe even get taken advantage of.
But it’s good news because all that junk will go away once you find somebody that you really click with. It will make it all worthwhile.
So, how do you go about doing this?
The first step is to create some kind of criteria. What are you looking for in a girlfriend? What qualities are important to you? The more specific you get, the better. Come up with a range of height, weight and other physical features.
Even more importantly, come up with a list of non physical characteristics as well. Personality type, smoker or non smoker, political affiliation, vegan or meat eater, whatever is important to you.
Separate them into lists. Things she must have, things you’d like her to have, things you’d like her NOT to have, and things that are absolute deal breakers.
Don’t get too hung up on the things you’d like her to have, or the things you’d like her not to have. But be clear on a few must have items, as well as a few dealbreakers.
Once you’ve got your list, it’s time to go shopping. Of course, you can’t just pop down to the girl store and pick up a six pack.
You’ve got to keep your mental list with you at all times. Of course, whether or not any girl you see meets your physical list is easy.
Think of this as your first pass filter. Once you see if a girl passes your physical tests, you’ve got to see if she passes your non physical tests.
This means you’ll have to go and talk to her. However, it’s not like you’re walking up to her and trying to get her to like her. After all, you haven’t met her yet, and you don’t even know if she qualifies.
Thinking of this in terms of further screening will make it less nerve wracking. Once she seems like she qualifies, ask for her number. Now, this may seem terrifying now, but the more you do this, the easier it will get.
Will all girls give you their numbers? Not even close. But plenty of them will.
And if you really want to get a girlfriend, just keep focusing on the end result. Having an attractive partner that meets all of your qualifications. Just think of all the girls you’re talking to between now and then as your daily work required to get there.
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