Our brains are programmed to see only what we want to see.
This manifests itself a lot of different ways.
If you think you’re having a bad day, for example, you’ll only see things that verify it.
If you think you’re on a roll, even stepping on a banana peel will be proof that you’re King of the Universe.
The problem is that our thoughts kind of evolve on their own, and then find confirmation on their own.
It may seem like we’re in control, but often times our conscious minds are just along for the ride.
That’s why “lucky” and “unlucky” things seem to come in streaks. When you’re lucky, everything you see proves it. But when you’re unlucky, everything proves it.
However, you can use this to your advantage. It just takes a little tinkering with those thoughts that are always swirling around in your head.
It requires a solid goal of what kind of behavior or feeling you want in a certain situation.
Let’s say you’re going on a job interview, and you’d like to not only feel confident, but you’d like to flip the script a bit and get the interviewer trying to sell you the job instead of the other way around.
How do you do that?
Force your brain to find all those experiences in the past where you felt, acted, and behaved confident.
The trick is to not try and force it consciously. Don’t build up your “self talk” by showing yourself examples of your past, as if you’re trying to persuade yourself to feel confident.
Just relax into your memories, and relive those confident feelings and experiences until that feeling of confidence naturally takes over.
The goal is to lead with your conscious, as that is usually difficult. It’s like trying to steer a steam ship with a paddle.
The goal is to dive into those old feelings of confidence so much that you’re subconscious naturally takes over, and leads with confidence.
Then you can just relax and go along for the ride.