If you’ve ever been in a relationship, you know the mind boggling paradox.
You’ve tried for a while, hitting on every girl in sight with no success. Finally you meet somebody (usually in a way you were least expecting), and you “click” with her, and you get together.
Then something altogether insane happens. Everywhere you go, every girl is checking you out and giving you boatloads of IOIs.
Before, when you were single, you couldn’t girl to hold eye contact with you for more than a nanosecond. But now that you’re in a relationship? Every girl you see is outright flirting with you like you’re the last man on Earth.
What gives?
Girls are hard wired to “sniff out” confidence, desperation, neediness and “alpha-ness.”
Like when guys walk into a room, they automatically tell who’s hot, and who’s not, right?
We just look, it happens. Much quicker than we realize.
Girls kind of do the same thing. But they don’t do it based on looks, they do it based on “frame.”
It takes a little bit longer, but not much. They can tell, on an unconscious level (which means THEY really don’t know why) by a guy’s body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, whether or not he’s desperate and needy or if he’s confident and can take or leave her.
Clearly, desperate and needy guys come across to girls like physically unattractive girls come across to guys.
This is why some guys that are short, bald, and have big bells hanging over their pants can pull girls like rock stars.
They’ve got the frame that says “I can take you or leave you, I don’t care I have sex with you or not, I KNOW I will get laid soon, just like I got laid a couple days ago.”
Compare this to the frame most guys have of, “Oh please accept me dear goddess, just a touch of your lovely hand on my willy oh please oh please…”
Naturally, when you’re in a relationship, and getting regular sex, you give of a very confident, NON-NEEDY, frame, which females find irresistible.
If only there were a way to create this frame WITHOUT being in a relationship!
The good news is that there is. One is to simply make it a habit of talking to any cute girl you see. Sure, it may be terrifying for a couple of weeks, but if you muscle through the pain, you’ll feel, on a deep level, that talking to cute girls is simple something that you do.
So when you see a cute girls, she’ll remind you of all the cute girls you’ve talked to in the past, and all the cute girls you’re going to talk to in the future.
This will give off that VERY SAME attractive frame she digs so much.
To help you get there MUCH QUICKER, check this out: