One of the cool things you learn in NLP is how to “reframe” meaning.
This is a very useful skill to have, especially since most of the stuff that happens “outside” of us is open to interpretation.
Say you’re walking down the street, and you smile at somebody, but they just look at you without smiling back.
What does that mean?
It could mean they don’t like. It could that were just on the verge of a personal discovery, and they weren’t even noticing what was going on around them.
It could mean they ate something at lunch that didn’t agree with them, and they are using all their will power not to hurl right there on the street.
Or it could mean they are madly in love with you at first site, and they are frozen in fear.
The bottom line you’ll never know what it “truly” means. So why stick with a meaning that doesn’t support you and what you’re trying to achieve in life?
After all, it’s YOUR brain that you’re putting those beliefs and memories in, you don’t have to justify them to anybody.
And YOU are going to be the one to recall those memories later on, so why not be creating supportive memories and beliefs based on whatever YOU want?
That way, you can rig the game of life in your favor. It’s not like the memory police are going to show up (like in a Monty Python movie) and ask to examine your beliefs and make sure they are congruent with the Ministry Of Everyday Occurrences or something.
Now, you don’t have to go overboard. You don’t have some wild fantasies in your head about the people you pass on the street.
But so long as you’re coming up with interpretations anyway, you may as well tilt the field slightly in your favor.
And a funny thing will happen once you get into the habit of doing this. You’ll start to do it automatically, and this will literally change the way you interact with the world.
Which will, of course, change the way the world interacts with you. Then you’ll know what they mean they say that “the whole world is conspiring with you to help you succeed.”
Now, it’s one thing to do this just to feel a little bit better about your day to day life.
But when you interpret the way things happen in order to achieve a specific outcome, you literally CAN create anything you want.
Learn how: