Everything is a metaphor for sex.
It makes sense, on a deep, biological level. Meaning once upon a time, the only living things that existed on planet Earth were crudely designed, single cell organisms. The ones that “reproduced” the most, or the ones that “had the most sex” were the winners.
They made more copies of themselves than all those “beta organisms” who stood around at the back of the room.
Fast forward a few billion years, and here we are. It’s been argued (by dudes much smarter than me) that the ONLY reason we humans we ANYTHING is to get laid.
Now, some will say that men are hard wired to get money and power. But the only reason we want money and power is so we can get laid.
After all, in ancient societies, the dudes at the top got all the girls. While the dudes at the bottom just had to worry about not getting killed.
Women are the same way. Now, they aren’t thinking of getting laid like guys think of getting laid. Girls aren’t really wired to get laid as often as possible. They are more wired to get laid with the RIGHT guy.
And unless she’s happily married at home, and deeply in love with her husband, she’s out on the prowl.
Just like you.
So when you show up pretty much ANYWHERE, any girl you see is likely open to seduction. (Unless she’s pushing around a baby carriage while staring lovingly at a picture of her husband).
So forget any of that crap about girls who “want to be left alone,” or who “don’t want to be approached.”
They are there for the same reason you are.
To get some.
However, in order to become more of a blip on her radar, you’ve got to establish yourself as somebody who’s different from all the other drooling clowns out there.
How do you do that?
With your language. How you talk. And more specifically, how you take the things she says, spin ’em around with your mad language skills, and turn them into a mind bending pretzel of compelling emotions.
Instead of just telling her how “hot” she is (like every other clown), you’ll not only LISTEN to what she says, but you’ll turn her ideas into compelling reason to choose YOU over every other “player” there.
Learn how here: