Buy A Girl A Drink?
I met this really interesting rich guy in a bar a couple of weeks ago.
He likes to give away money, but he makes the potential recipients work for it.
What he does is find any group of girls at any club, bar or restaurant.
Then the buys each a very expensive drink, and along with the drink he’ll send a kind of brain teaser on a napkin.
Some just thank him, some are actually offended, but some actually try and solve the brain teaser.
Goofy Hobby
There’s this donut juggler than hangs out in the local park.
He’s only been there a couple of weeks, and he told me he goes around for various parks in the country.
I don’t know if he’s being sponsored, or if he’s just rich, but he’s got a pretty good angle.
He wears very nice clothing, like a well dressed meme.
He’s got his face painted white and he wears a surgical mask.
Gloves and Masks Required
And he always takes his time to slowly, deliberately and conspicuously put on a pair of sterile surgical gloves.
Then he opens up a box of freshly bought donuts, sealed by the donut restaurant, and starts to juggle them.
If he sees an organic gesture form the crowd, he’ll immediately change his juggling technique.
But if he doesn’t, he’ll just keep juggling for a while.
He always gives the kids at least 30 minutes to see if they’ll come up with the spontaneous gesture he’s looking for.
Otherwise he’ll just pack it in and come back the next day, taking all the donuts with him.
Brain Stretching Exercises
My friend went to this really powerful communication seminar.
They talked all about language structure, both for persuasion and seduction.
But throughout the entire seminar, they did this one exercise based primarily one something called punctuation ambiguity.
This is where the last word of one phrase is the begging word of another phrase.
Like yesterday I went down to my local truck stop diners can have the best omelettes are making a comeback lately because of the different ingredients aren’t always listed since some companies have secret recipes are often behind the greatest success stories are best at night when you’re finished with your work is getting harder to come by these days.
Round Seven
They in a circle of seven people.
And one person just starts talking.
Then a bell goes off and the next person has to start another sentence that the person next to them was saying when the bell went off.
In the first couple of days, this process is slow, clunky, and takes a lot of brainpower.
Ex Psychic
Once there was a psychic, who liked to give live readings.
But he found that most people who came to see psychics do so because they want to avoid pain or get over pain.
Which meant as he read the crowd, he would feel all kinds of sad and negative emotions, which was always very, very draining.
So he decided to become a comedian instead.
But he would do so in a way that kept him from ever becoming famous, so this could be his kind of private hobby that nobody would ever find out about.
First Half Only
His whole angle was to tell a whole bunch of jokes, but only start the first half.
He would start the first half of a joke, not finish it, and then start the second half of a joke, and not finish it.
As he was doing this, he would read the minds of the people in his audience, and he would also be able to predict their future.
So each one would be out doing their regular daily activities, and something in their daily life would finish one of the jokes.
They’d be halfway through their order at Starbucks, for example, they would see something that would complete one of the half jokes, and they would suddenly burst out laughing.
They would say:
Now It Makes Sense
I get it now! Ah ha ha ha!
By the last day of the seminar, people would be flying around the circle, making incredibly long nonsensical, meandering sentences connect by punctuation ambiguities.
And the bell would be ringing at a faster and faster frequency.
And then the collective unconscious, speaking in pure gibberish, would reach escape velocity and float up over their heads, like a swirling donut of linguistic nonsense.
This would have a secondary effect on their linguistic intellectual power.
Incredibly Hypnotic Power
And combined with all the conscious ideas they’d learned at the seminar, they’d become linguistic ninjas.
Capable of walking up to anybody, anywhere, any time and hypnotizing them on the spot.
And getting them to do pretty much anything, or install any kind of post hypnotic suggestions, or even creating instant and total amnesia.
All it would take is one kid to hold out his finger, and the donut juggler would toss a donut so it landed on his finger.
Donut Giveaway
Since the juggler had taken great care to put on a show of sterility, the kid would smile and eat the donut.
Then all the other kids would hold their fingers out, and donut juggling man would start flinging donuts all over the place, landing them on the fingers of happy donut eating kids.
If any of the girls would solve the riddle, and send him a drink, he would reward them.
Unpromised Riches
If a drink came from them, and was accompanied by a cocktail napkin with the answer to the riddle written on it he would text his attorney, who was always waiting outside.
His attorney would come in, he’d approach the girls, have them each sign a non-disclosure agreement, and give each one $100,000 in cash.
I guess if you’re rich, clever and socially outgoing, there’s no limit to the kinds of hobbies you can invent to keep yourself busy.
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