Speech Contest
Once there was an advanced high school.
With advanced students from around the world.
One day, they decided to have a speech contest.
A persuasive speech contest.
They would choose from a random list of recommended actions.
They were all chosen for their neutrality.
Persuasive Speech
And they had to give a speech persuading the audience of these recommended actions.
To prepare them for their speeches, they were taught ancient rhetoric.
The ideas from Greek and Roman philosophy.
They were taught the ideas from advertising and persuasion.
They were taught how to seduce people.
By agents of clandestine government entities.
The techniques of the black arts and ancient magic.
Deep and Ancient Techniques
Telepathic communication and dream control.
Finally, after three months of intense study, the day came.
They each gave their speeches as best as they could.
But they judged the winners in a clever way.
They didn’t judge by an immediate vote.
That would include immediate ideas about charisma.
About the halo effect and stage presence.
Long Range Effects
Instead, they waited another six months.
And they gave the students a questionnaire.
Which of the following list would you rather do most?
The list of choices were the recommended actions from the speeches.
The same recommended actions from six months ago.
Recommendations like flossing your teeth with your left hand.
Eating only extra chunky peanut butter.
Avoiding purple food on odd numbered calendar days.
Chewing precisely in multiples of three.
Which Seems The Most Compelling?
And the winner was clear.
But it wasn’t anything that was suspected.
And once the winner had been selected, they all watched the video.
Of this persuasive speech.
To model them unconsciously.
Model The Winner
To build in subconscious persuasion techniques.
To build in subconscious seduction techniques.
To build in subconscious telepathic techniques.
To build in subconscious dream programming techniques.
That you can use, any time you like, now.
Or any time you feel like traveling to the past.
Or traveling into the future.
Of anybody’s dreams.
Honest Review Seekers
Once there was a product development company.
They needed to find a better way to solicit reviews.
All the companies they’d hired to help them.
Had only given them short term options.
Send a postcard with a promise for a gift card in exchange for a five star review.
Putting a perfumed letter in the box requesting they immediately fill out a five star review.
Hard To Find
But this company didn’t want short term reviews based on short term feelings.
They wanted long term reviews based on long term customer satisfaction.
And since they couldn’t find any company willing to do this, they started their own.
The first part was easy.
They set up a massive computer, with super computing powers.
And they scraped the entire internet looking for all reviews.
They wanted to first find the relationship between the purchase time.
And the review time.
Target Population
They were most interested in finding reviews left after owning the product for six months.
Then they sorted the reviews into three categories.
Immediate, medium term, and long term.
Then they sent each of these reviews through an advanced algorithm.
That would predict how much thought went into writing the review.
The results were astonishing, but not surprising.
More Longer More Thoughtful
Longer term reviews were more thoughtful and honest.
Then they discovered something else that was astonishing, but also unexpected.
They wanted to make another correlation.
Between long term, high reviews and the balance sheet of the companies that made those products.
They called this the positive review honesty scale.
Short term positive reviews were almost always the result of bribery.
And not an honest assessment of the product.
Longer term, positive reviews were a very honest assessment of the product.
Unexpected Profitability
But also an assessment of the strength and profitability of the company.
This is when this product development company stopped being a product development company.
And started to become an investment research company.
Because this new indicator soon become more accurate than any other.
In determining the long term profitability of the company.
Good Companies Hard To Find
Four and five star reviews, longer than one year, were the strongest.
Even stronger were companies that had more than one product line.
That had positive four and five star reviews left after a year of purchase.
These companies are extremely profitable and long lasting.
And unfortunately, becoming very, very rare.
Learn Hypnosis
Mind Persuasion has plenty of books and courses to teach you how to speak hypnotically and persuasively.
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