Boost Your Stats
There’s an interesting idea in statistics called the “Law of Large Numbers.”
This is primarily used in insurance.
For example, consider one guy with one car.
Very, very difficult to predict if he’ll get into an accident on any given day.
This would be a sample size of 1.
But the bigger the sample size is, the more you’ll be able to predict how many accidents they’ll have on any given day.
For example, if you’ve got 1,000,000 drivers, you’ll be able to predict how many accidents you’ll have each day.
The more data you have, the more you’ll be able to predict.
Zip codes, past driving history, gender, all these can help narrow down the accuracy of the prediction.
Girlfriend Seeker
Now, consider a guy who’d like a girlfriend.
But he’s pretty nervous, socially.
So he reads a whole bunch of strategies online.
How to approach, what to say, etc.
But because he’s got a large amount of social anxiety, he never approaches.
But he doesn’t admit this is because of social anxiety.
Nobody tells themselves:
“I’d like to approach that cute girl but I’m far too nervous.”
Instead the very common response is to come up with rational sounding reasons why we don’t want to approach.
That we’re really waiting for the right “one.”
The problem is waiting for the right “one” is kind of like predicting a car accident based on a sample size of one.
The more people you talk to, the more data you’ll have in your brain to refer to whenever you talk to anybody.
People Skills
How to make people laugh, smile, etc.
How to ask the right questions to make people feel good about themselves.
How to make them an “offer they can’t refuse” when you exchange numbers.
So when you DO see a “high quality” person, you’ll have a much, much better chance of hitting a home run.
This is one definition of luck.
Not standing around and waiting for a sack of money to fall in front of you.
Or guessing the winning lottery numbers.
But of “preparation meeting opportunity.”
The more you “prepare” the better you’ll do when there is an opportunity.
The more you “prepare” the more opportunities you’ll see.
All the goofballs on the sideline will see you operate and think:
“Damn, that’s the luckiest dude I’ve ever seen!”
But the truth is “luck” is something that can be practiced.
Fine Tuned
Cultivated and enhanced.
So you can not only see, but take advantage of more and more opportunities.
Learn How:
Luck Activator
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