Banana People
Imagine a monkey.
A proto human, if you like.
And this monkey lives in banana jungle.
This monkey, like all metaphorical or stereotypical monkeys, loves bananas.
But bananas don’t just poof into existence because you want one.
Monkeys need to put in some effort to find bananas.
They need to climb trees.
Now, let’s do a imaginary split test.
An evolutionary split test to see how monkey-banana instincts would evolve.
Let’s imaginary three groups of monkeys.
One kind of monkey loves to climb trees.
He would climb the highest tree he could find, only to get a banana.
And let’s say one banana was 100 calories.
But climbing the tallest tree would require 500 calories.
So the monkey would have a net loss of 400 calories.
(We’ll assume that one tree only has one banana, just to make the math simpler).
Then there was the super laziest monkey in the jungle.
He would ONLY eat bananas if they were on the ground, AND they were within 100 yards of where he slept the night before.
These two monkeys would not exist for very many generations.
The first monkey would starve, since for every banana he’d lose 400 calories.
But the second monkey would also starve.
There would be very few bananas on the ground close by.
Pre-Human Monkey
Now imagine a third monkey.
A monkey that had a kind of intuitive “banana calibration.”
He didn’t mind putting in a lot of work, so long as the calories he got from the bananas would be slightly more than the work it took to get them.
And he would also eat any banana he could, so long as the banana-eating calories were MORE than the banana-getting calories.
So he would, on average, spend less calories per day than the bananas he got.
If he spent more, he’d be hungry.
But most of the time, he’d spend less calories that the calories he got.
He’d always have a calorie surplus.
Fast forward to humans.
We have the same collection of instincts.
We don’t do ANYTHING unless we think we believe the benefits are MORE than the costs.
This is easiest to see when buying things.
We want to GET as much as we can while spending as LITTLE as we can.
But there is another element.
People People
The human element.
We humans LIKE interaction with other people.
We like working WITH other people, so long as they aren’t dicks.
So just the exchange, of stuff for money is a GOOD feeling.
A good feeling that adds significantly to the benefits.
We like BUYING things we like from friendly people.
We like selling things TO friendly people.
For monkeys, it’s effort and calories.
For humans, it’s effort and money.
You make something, sell it to a happy person, and get some money.
You take that money, and buy something from another happy person.
This is PRIMARY reason we keep inventing new stuff.
Money Love
Everybody likes making money.
Everybody likes spending money.
Everybody likes happy exchanges.
Get in the game and enjoy life.
Learn More:
Money Brain
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