Brain Wires
All humans are born with some basic programming.
We have some basic language wiring, and as we grow up we kind of fill in the blanks based on the local dialect.
This is why any kid born anywhere can grow up and speak like a native.
There’s probably a lot more “basic” wiring that becomes more hard wired when we grow up.
This debate has been doing on for a while, but it’s pretty settled, at least from the science guys.
But from a political standpoint, either real politicians or people who dream of being power hungry politicians one day, they pretend this is not settled.
Those who dream of being in charge like the idea that we are “blank slates.”
It’s easier to imagine being super powerful in a world where everybody’s brain is waiting for the right programming.
But for the science geeks who study this kind of thing, who we are is VERY MUCH based on both nurture and nature.
In fact it is IMPOSSIBLE to separate these two.
We have basic wiring, but then it kind if fills in as we grow up.
And how it “gets filled in” is something that is still pretty much a mystery.
Mostly because you can’t really “study” this stuff.
You can’t actually do any kind if “objective” studies on humans.
A lot of data that let’s them know how our brains work comes from people with messed up brains.
A poor dude will come home from a war with some of his brain missing.
And they test him and try and figure out how that effects his thinking.
Fresh From The Factory
But one thing they can study is how babies act within the first few hours or couple of days.
Baby and mom are in the hospital anyway, so they ask doctors and nurses to look for certain things.
And they’ve come up with some ingenious ways to study how babies are soaking up TONS of information from their environment.
And one they notice is babies start smiling very, very soon.
Before their eyes and brain have any CLUE what’s going on.
Almost like we have a very deep program that tells us to be friendly to people, before we even know what’s up.
Kind of like the first impression on Earth instinct.
It doesn’t take much to make a baby happy.
Explosion of Entropy
I had a friend that was a kindergarten teacher.
She said when they took the kids to the park, it was like magic.
The kids were “forced” to walk single file, say on the side walk, holds hands, etc.
But as soon as they went through the gate to the park, it was letting a bunch of gas out of a can.
One line of kids obediently walking through the park gate.
A huge spray of random kids screaming and laughing and running in all different directions on the other.
You can do the same.
Be calm and rational in some situations.
Be happy, friendly and out going in others.
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