Owe Nobody
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Debt is an ancient problem.
An ancient scourge on humanity.
Even vampire bats have problems with debt.
They all go out hunting for blood.
And just like any other group of animals going out looking for food, some get some, some don’t.
And like any other group of social animals, they have social food systems.
A social hierarchy to keep the social order.
For bats, they have both a sharing system and a credit system.
If you get a lot of blood, you share it.
And you remember who you share it with.
If you don’t get any blood, you borrow it.
And you remember who you borrowed it from.
If you borrow some, and don’t pay it back, everybody will remember.
And next time, nobody will loan you any blood when you need it.
This is built into humans.
We don’t like owing people.
Everybody Owes
Debt is a huge problem today.
Household debt.
Mortgage debt.
Government debt.
Corporate debt.
Student loan debt.
We’ve got so much debt our entire planet is underwater.
Ideally, debt should only be used to create an income stream BIGGER than the debt.
Like if you borrow a couple mil at five percent.
And build something, like a business, that pays MORE than five percent.
Easy peasy.
This is why student loan debt is a easy pitch.
Borrow fifty grand.
Get a degree.
Get a fat job.
Pay back the fifty grand.
Easy peasy, right?
Only it’s hard to pay back the fifty grand when you are working at Starbucks.
This is the world we live in today.
All of us are broke.
Still, the laws of economics reign supreme.
Find something that costs little, but pays fat.
Fat Money Skills
A skill you could learn that could get you a ton of money.
The reason people are so drawn to things like borrowing money from college is there is little risk.
Little risk BEYOND the financial risk.
It’s not risky to sit in a chair for four years while somebody else talks and fills you brain with allegedly valuable information.
It’s not risky to remember a bunch of stuff and take a test.
It’s not risky to send our resumes and hope you get picked.
BECAUSE there’s no risk, EVERYBODY does this.
The trick is to find something “risky” that nobody else is doing.
Not risky financially.
Not even “real” risky.
Imaginary Risk
Like skydiving without a parachute is REAL risky.
Jumping into the tiger cage to make a TikTok is REAL risky.
I’m talking only “pretend” risky.
Things that really ARE easy, and can easily make you a fortune.
Some time to learn, a little bit of money to practice, but some MASSIVE rewards.
Financially, socially, and emotionally.
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