Long, Long Ago…
Once upon a time.
There was the spirit world.
And only the spirit world.
We are all one spirit.
In complete harmony.
Peace and happiness and love.
Then there was a shift.
A great rift in the balance.
And we were all separated.
Million Little Pieces
Ripped apart from our own souls.
Now we have a deep ambition.
To seek to find to discover.
And until we fulfill what we really need.
We will be lost.
We seek money.
We seek fame.
We seek wealth.
We seek sex.
Looking For The Wrong Thing
But in reality.
What we are really seeking.
Is our true selves.
Our ancient selves.
Because we, as the theory goes.
Are our own soul mates.
And are lost without ourselves.
Linguistic Terror
Once there was a scientist.
In advanced neurology.
Specializing in neuro-linguistics.
Who wanted to create a map.
Between the structure of thought.
And the structure of language.
The more he learned.
The amazed he was.
At the perfect correspondence.
Between spoken words.
And idealized thoughts.
Form And Function
And that one leads the other.
And the other leads the one.
One of his papers.
Was read with great interest.
By the department of defense.
To create a special collection of words.
That when said to anybody.
Hypnotic Evil
Would drive you insane.
Irreversibly insane.
They had read about these words.
From various ancient texts.
And wanted to verify this.
Through advanced neuro-linguistics.
To create magic words.
To drive you irreversibly INSANE.
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