Three Rules
A long time ago, I was at this seminar.
A kind of self-help exploration seminar.
It was loosely based on NLP and hypnosis, but we covered a lot of stuff.
One of the topics was to create a list of deep criteria.
An “exhaustive” list of all the things we felt were important.
Kind of like a personalized list of “life criteria.”
Sort of like a well thought out “goal statement” but much more robust.
Much more general.
After about an hour or so of writing and checking and writing and re-checking, the seminar teacher asked how everybody was dong.
One guy in the back said:
“All I got is money and sex,” he said.
As if that was wrong.
But consider this idea.
Pillars Of Humans
Way back in the day, we lived in small tribes.
Many people like the idea that because we have so much technology, we don’t need to think like that.
A modern political insult is to call somebody “tribal.”
However, unless you understand the instincts that drove tribal behavior, you’ll be flying blind.
One of those instincts was hunger.
Whoever had the strongest hunger, survived the most.
Today, 2/3’s of people are overweight.
And since the “diet” or “health” industry is nearly 100 BILLION dollars per year, this suggests those 2/3’s of people who are overweight very much DO NOT WANT to be overweight.
That’s just one instinct.
Way back in the day, our instincts did not operate in isolation.
Working Together
They were very tightly calibrated.
So we could live in a very efficient group.
A group of hierarchical killers.
How did that work?
You had to hunt to provide food.
The more food you provided BEYOND your needs, you got more status.
If you killed an animal with 50,000 calories, it would be impossible to eat that yourself before it went bad.
So you HAD to share.
And in return for food, you got respect.
Social validation.
The MORE you shared, the more status you got.
Driven To Produce
The higher your status was, the more ATTRACTION you got from more ladies.
Sex, food, social status, all the social signals received, these were ALL connected.
Our ambition drove us to kill bigger and bigger animals.
Or to acquire wealth.
To get status.
The more status, the more chances of sex with hotter and younger ladies.
The holy trinity of ancient tribal life:
Money, status and sex.
Everything else was simply details.
Root Of All Desires
The biggest driver was SEX.
Today, people have a lot of mixed up ideas about sex.
Back then, people EMBRACED their sexual energy.
Their sexual desire.
Sex WAS the main motivation for everything.
Embrace your sex power, and dominate.
Learn More:
Sex God
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