When talking about girls, many guys tend to think that “more is better.”
Meaning a guy who’s slept with hundreds of women is somehow more knowledgeable or more “game aware” of how females operate.
This is a compelling argument. After all, if some guy was giving you pointers, and you KNEW he’d never even kissed a girl, you’d probably do well to ignore him.
But are guys with tons of notches ALWAYS the best source of information?
Sometimes. But sometimes not.
Consider what MUST be true about a guy who has slept with tons of girls. (meaning hundreds, or even thousands).
Long term relationships are likely NOT important.
All the emotional complexities of long term relationships are likely NOT important.
Think of what’s requires to get a girl into bed, vs. what’s required to get a girl into a relationship.
Short term desires vs. long term ideals.
Slippery criteria that changes day by day vs. criteria that holds true for a long, long time.
Now, neither is better or worse than the other. If you love short time flings, then you’ll have no problem finding plenty of girls who also love short time flings.
But I’m sure you’ve heard of guys who are absolutely genius at getting a girl into the sack within just a few hours, but couldn’t hold a relationship to save their lives.
Meaning they might finally find “The One,” only to find that they’ve only got a set of short term skills.
A few things to keep in mind, when you go through life and continue to improve your skills.
One, is that short term skills with women are sometimes diametrically opposed to long term skills.
Two, finding short term flings is generally something that you can plan to do. Like you can plan to go out and collect numbers in order to get girls into your bed. This is something you can definitely practice, measure, and improve. Just like any other skill.
Three, if you do happen to run into what you may consider, “The One,” it will likely happen when you’re least expecting it.
Meaning you might miss out if you’ve only got a collection of “short time” skills.
Flexibility, as they say in NLP, is the key to everything.
The internal triggers that we’ve ALL got, short term or long term, never change.
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