There’s plenty of “archetypes” you’ll see again and again in popular movies.
One is the “criminal hero” archetype. He’s the kind guy or gal we sympathize with, but he operates outside of the law, or directly in opposition to it.
If you’ve ever seen the movie “Heat,” Robert Dinero’s character (even though he dies in the end) is the perfect example of this.
He takes what he wants, lives life on his own terms, and is ALWAYS ready to bail out at the drop of a hat.
One of his “rules” is that he always needs to be ready to bail out at a moments notice. He’s got safe deposit boxes filled with cash and fake ID’s so he can blow town whenever he feels the “heat.”
This is a FANTASTIC attitude to have in the early stages of a relationship, BEFORE you have any talks or discussions about committing or exclusivity or anything like that.
It will keep your attraction pegged in the red zone.
Anytime any problems show up, she tests you, she doesn’t return your calls, your attitude should be:
“No problem, I can always find somebody else.”
This is the complete opposite of what most guys do. She gives him a few minutes of attention, maybe a few smiles and some decent eye contact, and suddenly she is the princess he’s been dreaming of.
He smothers her with attention, texts her a million times a day, is always there when she needs him (and lets her know this) and then wonder why he gets put in the “friend zone.”
Even if you use the “Heat” pattern just a little bit, and keep Dinero’s character’s “code” somewhere in your mind when interacting with potential girls, you’ll be miles ahead of every other drooling desperate clown out there.
And when you use these incredibly persuasive and mind bending language patterns, you will become virtually irresistible.
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