Whenever you’re persuading somebody, you’re going to have resistance.
The only time you likely won’t is the early honeymoon phase of any relationship.
Any other time, pretty much anything anybody says is going to be met with at least a little bit of resistance, spoken or not.
We’re human after all, and we don’t like being told what to do.
Here’s how to soften it, so your ideas will slip in a bit easier. You’ll both get them thinking in terms of your idea, and they’ll consider it, at least in part, as their idea.
Just take your idea, suggestion, whatever, and put it behind:
“This may not be relevant to you, but…”
This may not be relevant to you, but people who have decided to buy this product have found that it not only vacuums up cat hair, but also dried peanut butter.
This may not be relevant to you, but this time share is in huge demand, and it’s not going to last at this price.
This may not be relevant to you, but there’s a new restaurant downtown I’ve been dying to try out.
Try this out, and have some fun.