It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.
When trying to create attraction, most guys focus on content.
Their bank account, car, job, clothes.
In truth, this only works sometimes. Even if it does, you’ve got yourself a girl who’s “attraction” is of dubious nature.
How to you create real attraction? The kind that cuts through all the nonsense and makes her as interested in you as you are in her?
What kind of structure? Enthusiasm. Emotional range. Fearless communication.
You know people love to watch little kids play?
Because they are fearless, they express a huge range of emotions, and they are enthusiastic.
It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.
It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are, how old you are, or what you’ve accomplished in life.
Appreciate yourself, and let that appreciation come through your communication.
Because if you appreciate yourself, so will she.
Girls look to guys for clues on how to behave, after all. If you are shy, and unsure of yourself, she will be unsure about yourself as well.
Be comfortable in your own skin, and she’ll be comfortable between your sheets.