Instructions: Visualize yourself in any situation which is proof of your being an actor. See yourself on a movie set, receiving an award, or having a meeting with producers and directors. See yourself from within your own eyes, and from the eyes of others, especially your fans. Choose a scene from your favorite movie and see yourself as the star. Listen with eyes closes and headphones for best results. Do not listen while driving or operating heavy machinery. Check out our other Mind Tools for Personal Development.
Subliminal Messages
I am a world famous actor
I have stunning acting abilities
I can easily transform my personality at will
I am sought after by producers
I am sought after by directors
I always have plenty of offers
my acting skills are in huge demand
I am world famous
people crave my attention
people crave my presence
I have incredibly powerful acting skills
I can become any character
I blow away audiences with my skills
famous directors are desperate for my skills
famous producers are desperate for my skills
I am well known in Hollywood circles
I can play any role
I can deliver an Oscar worthy performance in any role
I can easily transform myself into any character
I am always improving my acting skills
I come alive up on stage
I come alive in front of the camera
I feel at home up on the stage
I feel at home in front of the camera
I quickly and easily memorize my lines
I naturally improvise and improve all scripts
I enhance any movie I am in
I enhance any production I am in
other actors are in awe of my skills
I deliver emotionally wrenching performances
I can portray any emotion with stunning accuracy
I move people with my skills
the world loves me for my skills
the world appreciates me for my skills
You are a world famous actor
You have stunning acting abilities
You can easily transform your personality at will
You are sought after by producers
You are sought after by directors
You always have plenty of offers
your acting skills are in huge demand
You are world famous
people crave your attention
people crave your presence
You have incredibly powerful acting skills
You can become any character
You blow away audiences with your skills
famous directors are desperate for your skills
famous producers are desperate for your skills
You are well known in Hollywood circles
You can play any role
You can deliver an Oscar worthy performance in any role
You can easily transform yourself into any character
You are always improving your acting skills
You come alive up on stage
You come alive in front of the camera
You feel at home up on the stage
You feel at home in front of the camera
You quickly and easily memorize your lines
You naturally improvise and improve all scripts
You enhance any movie You are in
You enhance any production You are in
other actors are in awe of your skills
You deliver emotionally wrenching performances
You can portray any emotion with stunning accuracy
You move people with your skills
the world loves you for your skills
the world appreciates you for your skills