I’m sure you know that if you have a strong enough frame, you’ll have no problems in life.
Girls will naturally dig you, people will respect you, and you’ll have a MUCH easier time being “Alpha” in most situations.
The guy who holds the strongest frame WILL eventually be alpha.
Unlike lower mammals, size isn’t everything. Among wolves, for example, the alpha is always the largest. Same with gorillas, and roosters.
But in us humans, whoever’s got the biggest MINDSET, will be alpha. Always.
What does this mean?
It all depends on how you define “reality.”
Since very few things are set in stone, the “meaning” of pretty much everything that happens is always open to interpretation.
Whenever you get a bunch of people together, whoever holds THEIR OWN frame the strongest will usually win out.
And this is INDEPENDENT of what the “content” of that particular frame is.
This is very important, and very subtle. Most guys focus ONLY on content, while ignoring the frame, which is based on structure.
To make it even more confusing, guys generally have good stuff in life (good bodies, money, good jobs, cars etc) BECAUSE of their frame, not the other way around.
So it’s easy to think that girls are attracted to guys BECAUSE of their stuff. When in reality, the FRAME controls all.
Their FRAME gets them the stuff, AND the girls. Both their STUFF and the girls they get are both BECAUSE of their frame.
How do you get a strong frame? By developing the skills required to DEFINE YOUR OWN LIFE, and not let it be defined by others.
Take control of you present, your goals, and your future. Slowly build up an incredibly strong frame that will attract money, girls, power, prestige, EVERYTHIGN you want.
I’ll be honest, it’s not easy, and it’s not quick. But since having a strong frame is the singular most important thing you’ll ever do in your life, being the base foundation upon which EVERYTHING else is based on, shouldn’t you learn how?
Learn how: