There’s this really cool move called “Revolver,” by Guy Ritchie, the same guy who made “Snatch.”
In the movie, there’s this hit man, who’s name is “Sorter.”
Some say the whole movie is a metaphor for getting rid of the ego, and all the characters make up various parts of the human psyche.
At the very least, you should check it out.
Back to the “Sorter” idea.
When you see yourself as a sorter, the whole world changes.
Because a sorter has criteria. A sorter has a set of deal makers, and deal breakers.
When a sorter walks into a crowded club, he doesn’t “hope” he gets laid. He doesn’t practice lines, hoping to “convince” girls that he’s “good enough” for them.
When he walks into the club, and sees all those hot girls with acceptable bodies but unknown personalities, he thinks to himself:
“Hmm, I wonder which of these girls would qualify to spend time with me?”
He’s like the terminator, who walks in and scans a room, looking for suitable candidates.
Of course, if you don’t have any criteria other than she’s got a pulse and a couple of boobs, then this is tough.
The good news is that this attitude is easy to develop. Just come up with a few, non-physical criteria, and begin “sorting” people.
Remember, you’re not saying some people are “good” and others are “bad.” You are just looking out through the thousands of people you see every day and finding those that match your own subjective tastes.
Like trying on a pair of sneakers. Some fit ,and match your tastes, some don’t. You just keep trying on a pair until you get the ones you like.
The more you carry around this attitude with you, especially while talking to people, the easier it will be to find that special girl (or girls) that crank your propeller just the way you like having it cranked.