Plot Your Course
Girls like a man with a plan.
Everybody likes a man with a plan.
Suppose you work for a company that is not doing so well.
Rumors are that the company is in a bad way and falling apart.
The problem is you really LIKE your job.
You apply your skills in a way that gets you not only fantastic financial rewards, but a lot of good feedback.
When you mention what you do to friends are parties, and who you work for, they are impressed.
So you really, don’t like the idea of having to look for another job.
Stay Or Go
This is exactly the same structure when deciding to leave a relationship.
You have a good idea it’s NOT going to go all the way.
But the short term benefits are fantastic.
So anyhow, at this imaginary job, imagine a meeting.
All employees.
The new boss is coming in to talk about the turnaround.
This guys got skills.
He’s worked in the industry for a while.
He’s got connections.
But consider this strange idea.
He comes in, hands out his resume to everybody.
Gives people a few minutes to digest the information on his resume.
Then he sits down, and appears nervous.
Then he says, finally:
“So, I uh, think maybe we maybe could be OK?”
Would this behavior INCREASE your belief in the company’s success?
Man With A Plan
But suppose he had genuine, real and powerful confidence.
He spoke in a way that left NO DOUBT in anybody’s mind that he was going to turn the company around and destroy all competition.
How would you imagine that?
It real life, it’s NOT like movie characters or motivational speakers.
This guy probably wouldn’t even raise his voice.
But the confidence would seep through all this words.
And the linguistic structure of his words.
This is how real alpha men speak.
They don’t pretend, or flex, or even try to persuade.
They present themselves with utmost confidence.
If anybody in that imaginary meeting had any doubts, he likely wouldn’t spend ANY effort trying to persuade anybody.
He would likely say:
“I’m fairly certain we will be making a lot of money in the future.
I understand if you’re not comfortable with that.
Stay Or Go
So, if you think you can find something better somewhere else, I wish you all in the luck in the world.
I’ll make sure your boss gives you a fantastic recommendation.”
This would INCREASE the chances of staying for anybody still on the fence.
This is how to speak like an alpha.
To radiate this idea through your language:
My life that I am creating is going to be fantastic.
Of that I have zero doubt.
Are you in, or out?
It’s completely up to you.
Here’s the best news.
Always Improve
The CONTENT of your life, and your life later is IRRELEVANT.
All that is important is that you truly believe that your life IS going to get better.
This will get everybody invested in you.
Learn How:
Alpha Mindset
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