One of the main reason that so many people have had success by using alpha male affirmations is that they’ll help you quickly develop supporting beliefs required to easily and consistently get the girls you want.
Naturally, most guys with a pulse would like to be better with their interactions with women, either within existing relationships, or by being able to more easily create new relationships.
However, talking to girls is not easy. Especially attractive girls. Most guys would readily admit that they would absolutely LOVE to interact with cute girls all day long, but in reality most of us fall short.
Now, there’s a few different ways to approach this problem. One is to buy endless courses and become some kind of a “seminar junkie” every time a guru rolls into town. But unless you’ve got tons of cash to burn, that can get pretty expensive.
Another is to simply grab your balls and make a move. Again and again and again. The theory here is that the more experience you get, especially if getting rejected and noticing that you’re still breathing and it’s not nearly as bad as you’d expected, the easier approaching girls will be.
But come on. Let’s be realistic. Who wants to approach girl after girl, until it finally gets easy? We want the good stuff, (or her good stuff, lol) and we want it now!
Alpha Male Affirmations To The Rescue!
The trick is to build up those powerfully supportive beliefs without really having to get rejected over and over again.
The reason alpha male affirmations work is because they take advantage of your imaginative mind.
It’s long been known in the realm of sports that visualizing is just as effective as real world practice.
So it stands to reason that with the right set of alpha male affirmations, you can slowly transform yourself from whoever you are now, to the exact alpha male you’d like to be.
Like most things in life, coming up with the right alpha male affirmations is going to take a bit of trial and error.
This one area where one size does NOT fit all. Everybody that wants to easily and naturally approach and seduce women has got their own limiting beliefs and hang ups.
So when you create your own set of alpha male affirmations, they should address your limiting beliefs directly.
For example, let’s say you’ve got no problem approaching girls and starting conversations, but when it comes to number closing, you’re a bit weak.
So naturally, your own, personal alpha male affirmations should be centered around number closing. Some examples might be:
I easily ask for her number
I naturally ask for her number
Girls love giving me their numbers
I naturally collect plenty of numbers from attractive girls
Girls often give me their numbers without me even asking
I love asking girls for their numbers
Girls light up with joy when I ask for their numbers
Or let’s say you easily approach, and talk to girls, but you’re a bit shy when it comes to kino escalations. Your personal alpha male affirmations might be:
I naturally touch girls
Girls love being touched by me
I am always in physical contact with hot girls
Girls get really horny when I touch them
Girls want me to touch them
Girls long for my physical contact
The secret in coming up with your own effective alpha male affirmations is to simply focus on the area of your game that you’d like to improve the most.
And understand that because game is a multi-faceted level of skills, you’ll find that you are consistently changing your alpha male affirmations to help you naturally progress all the way through, so that from start to finish, from first eye contact to waking up next to her the next morning, you are a calm, relaxed, confident alpha male who girls dream about going home with.
To help out, I’ve created a few YouTube videos combining affirmations, brainwave technology, and Milton Model Hypnosis to help you get your skills to where you want them in the quickest time possible.
The video below is a combination of sixteen voices, all surround the brain with positive affirmations for the alpha male, designed to overwhelm the conscious mind, thereby making the acceptance by the subconscious mind much quicker. Underlying the sound is a 4 Hz binaural wave designed to further open the mind for more rapid acceptance.
Alpha Male Affirmation Video
You can download a full hour of the above session for free here: