I used to live near this pretty decent sized, non-international airport.
One weekend they had this special. You showed up, paid a very SMALL amount of cash (less than a hundred bucks) and in exchange you got two round trick tickets to a U.S. city, along with one night in a hotel at your destination.
The only catch was that you didn’t know where you were going until AFTER you’d bought your ticket.
Sure, some people got lucky, and went to New York or Boston or Chicago. But many others went to small towns in the Midwest they’d never heard of before.
Sure, this is fun to do with a friend or partner, it would certainly be an exciting way to spend the weekend, but that’s about it, right?
We’d NEVER plan or live our lives like that, right?
Sadly, this is precisely how the majority of us live our lives. Sure, we’ve got wishes and hopes, and things we’d to maybe have happen someday, but we never really take action, real action, in order to make them come true.
If you do take consistent action towards well chosen plans, and consistently seem them come to fruition, you are clearly in the majority.
It’s been said that there are three kinds of people. Those that make things happen, those that watch things happen, and those who say, “What happened?”
Most us just kind of “end up” with the lives we’ve got, without really knowing how we got here. That’s great if you really enjoy your life and everything in it.
It kind of sucks if you’re in a life that you don’t really enjoy or appreciate. If you don’t know how you got here, it can be tough to create a better life.
However, by only spending just a few minutes a day, you can slowly, but surely, take the life you’ve got now, and turn it into ANYTHING you want it to be.
This isn’t magic, or alchemy, or hocus-pocus. This is just doing the right actions to create the right outcomes.
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