There’s extremes in everything.
Even things as simple as ketchup on fries. Not enough, and it’s clear that something’s missing. Too much and you can’t taste the fries, only the ketchup.
Too much exercise will get you injured and in the hospital, while not enough will get you fat and prematurely dead.
Clearly, life is about balance. Even Jesus (or one of those Bible guys) said that everything in moderation is a good strategy.
What’s this got to do with pick up and seduction?
Think of your level of comfort when approaching a woman. Too much nervousness and anxiety and you’ll blow yourself out. You’ll be so nervous and self conscious that you’ll miss out on those signals that are screaming for you to make a move.
Too little anxiety will actually kill your attraction, and make you come across as some kind of psychopath serial killer. If you walk up and spit lines perfectly, without showing ANY nervousness, she’ll think you’re a politician or something.
Girls need to know that a guy is taking a risk talking to her. If she doesn’t feel like he feels like he’s taking a risk, then she feels like she’ll never be worth much.
Meaning that if he is so smooth and laid back while talking to her, he can’t be THAT attracted to her.
Chances are though, too much confidence is not likely your problem. You want to get to that magic sweet spot so that you approach without having to force yourself and pass out from fright while doing so, but you also want to see the prize (whatever that means for you) as something desirable, that will be GOOD to get, and NOT GOOD to not get.
Get it?
Now, approaching girls isn’t quite like riding a bike. If you learn to ride a bike when you’re ten, you can pick it up again, after decades of inactivity, when you’re fifty. Sure, it might take a few minutes, but muscle memory is pretty amazing.
Confidence, however, quickly fades. Which means part of your routine as a seducer should be simply talking to girls, just to stay in shape.
If you’re an athlete, you’d hit the gym on a regular basis, right? If you were a musician, you’d practice playing scales on a regular basis, right?
So it stands to reason that making it a habit of talking to cute girls, just for practice, is something you should do to keep you in the groove.
The good news is that there’s something that will help.
A lot.
A recently created hypnosis session (one hour long) that can help blast away approach anxiety for good.
Consistently listening, with consistent practice, will quickly turn you into natural.
Learn More