Most people don’t like being told what to do. I know I don’t.
In fact, if I was in the middle of the desert, dying of thirst, and some goof came up and started lecturing me on the benefits of hydration, and offered me a cool glass of ice water, I’d tell him to get lost.
Deep within our brains is an idea of personal freedom. Our thoughts belong to us, and we like to keep it that way.
As soon as somebody starts to invade our brains, so to speak, we get an uncomfortable feeling. A feeling that we’re being manipulated or conned or taken advantage of.
This is why it’s absolutely crucial to know what people’s criteria are before starting any kind of persuasion, or even making a suggestion.
Sometimes, though, we can be in a situation where we think we know what the other person wants, in fact we’re pretty sure of it, but at the same time it would be presumptuous of us to start telling them what to do.
We know what they’re criteria is, but since we didn’t get it directly from them, we can’t really start giving them suggestions. If we did, we’d set off that “sleazy salesperson” filter we’ve all got in our heads.
Luckily, there’s an easy way around this. It’s one of the patterns found within the Covert Hypnosis training.
It’s when you quote somebody else, or tell a story about somebody else, and that person in the story is kind of in the same situation as the person to whom you’re talking to.
This allows you to give them advice in a roundabout way, through some fictional character. That way, when they take this advice, they feel as though they’re making the decision on their own.
You’re just showing them an example of what somebody else did in their situation, and leaving it up to them to take it or leave it.
When you present your story in a kind of “hey, this reminds me of something,” and tell it like a story, without making any suggestions whatsoever, it becomes even more effective.
So long as you’ve got a pretty accurate idea of what they’re criteria is, they’ll almost always take your suggestion, and think it was there idea.
This can be incredibly lucrative if you’re selling something, or incredibly rewarding if you’re creating relationships or offering suggestions within a relationship.
I don’t know about you, but a lot of folks have found limitless uses for these patterns, and have used them to dramatically improve virtually every aspect of their lives.
To learn more, please click the link below: