Always Practice
If you wanted to be an athlete, you’d need skills in a couple of categories.
Specific skills and general skills.
Specific skills would be skills related to the sport.
Champions in one sport are rarely champions in another sport.
Michael Jordan, arguably one of the best basketball players of all time, absolutely sucked at baseball.
He was only good enough to play double A when he dabbled.
The specific skills of basketball are much different than the specific skills of baseball.
But many skills are necessary for both.
Endurance, strength, flexibility, hand-eye coordination etc.
The same goes with life.
Everybody wants to be on top, but few are willing to do the work to GET on top.
No Cop Out
One reason is legitimate, and common.
Many things that can lead to success take a long time to master.
Deciding you wanted to become a world class actor, for example, is HUGE commitment.
You could study acting for DECADES.
Go on auditions for DECADES and still only get bit parts.
There is always the fear of spending tons of time chasing a dream that doesn’t pan out.
Then what you do you?
This is why most people stick to the comfortable and the familiar.
Get a degree in a safe subject.
Get a job in a safe industry.
This is safe, this is normal, this is comfortable.
And for many this IS the best decision.
Pareto Winners
For every rock star up on the stage getting millions, there are MILLIONS who never make it past garage band level.
Which can lead to a very uncomfortable decision.
When you need to turn your garage into an actual garage, and accept that playing guitar in a band is a hobby.
This is a HARD thing to admit to yourself.
Yet this is something that is VERY likely if you decide to “follow your dreams” like the gurus preach.
And for every one super famous guru preaching “follow your dreams” there are tons of gurus giving seminars in their garage to three or four people as a side hustle.
The harsh truth is there are no guarantees in life.
However, you don’t need to pursue a SPECIFIC skill.
You can work on very general skills.
Skills that will help you in many, many different areas.
So instead of playing it safe and getting an average job with an average salary, you can play it safe and get a really, really good job, with a really, really good salary.
Make More Money
And continue to get a higher and higher salary.
Some of these “general” skills are pretty obvious.
Public speaking, interpersonal skills, social and emotional intelligence, etc.
But some aren’t so obvious.
And these are the ones that, when practiced regularly, will take you very, very far.
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