Most of us think that if we get enough money, or enough stuff, we can relax and take it easy.
This can be a huge motivating factor, especially if you’re struggling financially.
But there’s something unexpected that happens to people to suddenly come into a lot of money.
Study after study shows that lottery winners, more often than not end up worse of a few years after their big winnings.
And as difficult it is to measure, suddenly winning a lottery, or coming into a big windfall doesn’t really increase happiness very much.
Now, most of this is moot if you’re just barely struggling, and you don’t know if you can pay the rent or have enough money to last until your next paycheck, if you even have a paycheck.
Believe me, I know what that feels like.
Using one credit card to pay off another, laying awake at night wondering how to discover some new math that will allow you to keep the roof over your head another month or two.
When you’re in this state, any kind of monetary windfall would be welcome with open arms.
But even people that are destitute and literally living on the street, sudden monetary windfalls are only a short term fix.
A few famous rich people have, with good intentions, given money to the poor, only to see them squander it and become poor again, usually pretty quickly.
It’s usually said that if you take all the money in the world and spread it out evenly, the rich would get it all back in ten or twenty years.
Now, there’s a couple ways to look at this. One is to see the rich as evil, greedy, and manipulative, that steal and rob and backstab their way to the top. To be sure, there’s plenty of folks like that up there.
Another, much more helpful way to look at this is that there’s some kind of “poverty mindset” as well as a “prosperity mindset.”
And as hard as it is to swallow, believing that rich people, and money is evil is part of the “poverty mindset.”
After all, if you truly do believe that money, and the people that are good at making it are evil, how will you ever get a lot of it? Unless you believe that you are evil as well.
Just consider ignoring those inevitable evil geniuses that become rich by exploiting others, and focus on those that get rich by creating fantastic products that we all use and eagerly pay for.
Consider feeling appreciation for any money that you DO have, you may find that it actually gets easier getting more.
To learn more, check this out: