Dreaming Man
I used to know this guy.
One time, after a few drinks, we and some other folks were talking about random wishes.
And he admitted that sometimes he wishes he were a gorgeous young lady.
Not from a weird, sexual fetish standpoint.
But from an economic standpoint.
He worked on his family farm.
One that he was in line to run once his dad decided to retire.
Hard work.
No guarantees of success.
While many would love to have this kind of situation, he didn’t really enjoy it.
He wanted to travel, take some off, find his own way, etc.
I really didn’t know him that well, so I’m really sure if those were random complaints or not.
For those living lives of economic uncertainty, which is most everybody these days, a set job for life would be a dream come true.
From a “grass is always greener” perspective, we generally want what we don’t have.
And for him, he’d never really known any different.
He had a degree in something, and it wasn’t like he was stuck.
He couldn’t have gotten a completely different job but he decided to stick with the family business.
But during “complaining” times, he admitted he wished he was a gorgeous girl.
Because, in his opinion, gorgeous girls have it easy.
Which is pretty true, although gorgeous girls will actually get angry if you suggest this to them.
Halo Proof
But studies have proven this.
That the halo effect is real.
So it’s pretty normal to wish you had a halo effect if you don’t.
Get much better results from job interviews.
Get much more attention from the opposite sex.
Never have to worry too much about your social calendar.
But for most people, a halo effect is a factory setting.
A genetic gift.
Like being born into a rich family.
Or a noble family back in the day.
But there are plenty of ways people are attracted to others.
The halo effect is the most superficial.
And it works because most people are generally superficial.
Until you dig beneath the surface.
And find that most people have way more than their looks.
That’s when you can start to build your own custom halo effect.
Calibrated specifically toward the people you are speaking with.
Once you begin to understand THIS halo effect, you’ll realize something even better.
That superficial genetic halo effects are not very flexible.
And they have a half life.
The older you get, the less they work.
But for custom halo effects?
The opposite.
The more you practice halo effect skills, the stronger they get.
The more attractive they get.
Build Bigger
They more valuable they, and you become.
Get Going:
Attractive Personality
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