Free Stuff
People like the idea of “manifesting.”
People LOVE the idea of “attracting.”
This is because of a couple basic ideas.
One is we all want stuff.
We will always want stuff.
And the stuff we want is pretty simple.
At least in the categories.
Sex, money, love, general things like houses and cars.
But GETTING that stuff is difficult.
You may even say this is the human condition.
Of WANTING stuff and spending our entire lives trying to GET that stuff.
So when we think of ideas like “manifesting” or “attracting” it kind of circumvents the part where need to go out and GET the stuff.
We would very much LOVE to believe that it’s possible to find some secret method of thinking or believing.
Where we don’t really have to DO anything.
And simply be thinking or believing, that “stuff” will just kind of appear.
It will manifest itself.
Or we will attract it to ourselves.
This feels very, very familiar?
Because this is how EVERYBODY got stuff when we were younger.
We had a very vague idea of what wanted.
Food, affection, the elimination of pain or discomfort.
So we screamed (literally) until the magic of the “universe” provided for us.
But that wasn’t magic.
That wasn’t the universe.
That was mom or dad or whatever other adult was responsible for you.
And this was almost always a two way street.
Somebody who was a blood relative.
You screamed because that’s what your DNA drove you to do.
They heard you screamed and fix the problem, or provided the solution, because that is what THEIR DNA drove you to do.
This model breaks down OUTSIDE of a bunch of blood relatives.
Adult Trades
It breaks down in the world of adults.
Adults who ALL have their own desires.
Adults who ALL would love to find a short cut to get stuff from others.
Nobody gives anybody else something free.
Even if it’s pure love or sex, it will ONLY happen if both people are benefiting somehow.
And benefiting just like conscious, economic trade.
Both people believe they are getting MORE out of the deal than they are putting in.
This is why falling in love FEELS so magical.
You are just being yourself.
You aren’t really doing anything special.
But the feelings you are getting from the other person are absolutely FANTASTIC.
Magic Love Truth
And they feel the same way.
Now, the money question.
How can YOU make that happen much more quickly?
By altering your behaviors to be much more conducive of getting some of that wonderful sex-love stuff.
Learn How:
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