Whenever you want to do something, it’s good to have a role model.
This is pretty much how us humans are programmed to learn anyway.
There we are crawling around, thinking we’re all that.
Then we see those big people walking around on two legs. Moving faster, moving further, and even doing things with their arms at the same time. (Sometimes even chewing gum lol)
Naturally, moving on four limbs doesn’t seem so hot any more. So what do we do? We copy them!
We look at what they’re doing, imagine that we’re doing, and then we try. Of course, we fall on our face, usually for a few months before we can go any distance without falling over or crashing into something.
But it sure is fun!
One advanced modeling skill is to be able to “pick out” certain behaviors from people, and model only those behaviors, instead of the whole behavior.
For example, many people are not too fond of Bill Clinton’s politics, but the dude is one smooth operator, and a fantastic speaker.
If one could get over their political differences, he would be a fantastic “role model” for learning public speaking, or just communication in general.
Role models don’t have to be real, either, nor do they have to exhibiting a behavior that you will use in the same way.
Take Homer Simpson for example. Certainly not a ladies man, but in his own way, he knows how to hold a frame.
Meaning he has his own idea of the world, and no matter WHAT happens, he holds it.
Imagine if you could do that when talking to girls!
You’d be impervious to any kinds of tests, and no matter WHAT she did or said, you’d still be totally comfortable in your own skin.
She, of course, would quickly pick up on this, and her attraction to you would literally go through the roof.
Girls can’t help be attracted to guys with strong frames, any more than guys can’t help be attracted to girls with tiny waists and big boobs.
How do you maintain such a strong frame?
Always have something on your mind that is MORE IMPORTANT than her. Some huge goal or plan or hobby or ANYTHING you can focus on in your mind, OTHER THAN HER, whenever she starts to “test” your frame.
As soon as she gives you anything other and pure attraction, mentally pull back and check all the other things in your life that you’ve got going on.
She’ll notice, and her attraction will EXPLODE!
If you DON’T have anything going on except girls at the moment, that’s EASY to fix.
Check this out to learn more: