No, I’m not talking about rich guys who sit in the back of limos and get driven around town, although they would certainly do in a pinch.
One thing about humans is that we are extremely flexible. Some wonder why humans became the rulers of Earth instead of Kangaroos, and decide it’s because we can use tools, or that we’ve got language, or that we can use our big brains.
Sure, those are all contributing factors, to be sure. But one thing that many people overlook is our flexibility.
No other animal can live in so many diverse places as humans. One thing we also have, that most other animals don’t is a sexual division of labor.
Virtually every other animal, when they’re out looking for food, both males and females hunt for the same stuff.
But long ago, humans changed. Men looked for protein, while women looked for roots, fruit and nuts.
This allowed us to live in almost any environment. One of us, the guys or girls, would come up with something.
This required long term pair bonding.
And without going into much detail, both males and females learned, over the years, to find the best partner that would give the kids the best chance.
For men, it was easy. Big boobs. Small waist. The younger the better.
For women, it was a deep drive to succeed. Those that were driven wouldn’t likely come home empty handed from a typical hunt.
This is why having a drive to succeed, in whatever field you’re in, is one of the most attractive things you can demonstrate to a woman.
It hits her deep and ancient buttons of desire that will shoot her attraction through the roof.
Now, some guys think they don’t have that desire, but it’s easy to get.
See, it’s programmed into EVERY man.
You just gotta know how to awaken.
And I’ve created something that can help.
You can check it out here: