I first read the famous book, “The Structure of Magic,” a long, long time ago.
I didn’t know squat about NLP, and a friend (who was easily the most charismatic person I’d ever met) recommended it to me in an off-hand manner.
So I dug into it, and quickly gave up.
The first few pages were great, filled with promise and magic and linguistic wizardry.
Then they started talking about “transformational grammar,” something that everybody says is the bomb, but few people understand. Something Noam Chomsky came up with back in the fifties.
Anyhow, they showed how through various “language tree structures” why the language patterns of NLP are so incredibly powerful.
Because it was way over my head, I didn’t really “get it.”
Until several years later, when I heard the advice to “write out” the patterns over and over again.
When I did that, it was nothing short of mind boggling.
Pretty soon I was able to casually listen to the “surface structure” of any conversation, and see with laser like precision their deep desires, fears, and obstacles to getting what they want.
Then when I learned to casually insert short little “reframes” into the conversation, the resulting magic was like nothing I’d ever seen before.
It was like unleashing a surge of optimism, appreciation and positive expectations.
All through simple, casual conversations based on normal, every day “surface structure” content.
Naturally, when you can do this, all those good feelings will be associated with you.
Quickly making you the most popular, charismatic and attractive person around.
To learn how to easily learn the secrets of beliefs, objections, and language, get your guide today.
It’s only nine bucks.