Many guys are absolutely blind to signals from women.
It’s common for guys to think of girls as some kind of super human, angelic species that can do no wrong. We see a gorgeous woman from across the room, and suddenly assume she’s the answer to our prayers.
When we approach, we are subconsciously trying to “impress her” by somehow “qualifying ourselves” to her. We think we need to stand out above the crowd in order to win her heart.
But the truth is that woman are just as nervous, self conscious, and confused as guys are.
In fact, they’ve got it worse. Much worse.
A guy kind of knows it’s his job to approach. Most guys don’t expect to get any action, romantic or otherwise, unless they get up off their duff and take action.
But girls are different. Girls have to be super humanly bold to approach a guy. I know that many guys like to whine and complain that it’s not fair, why can’t she approach us, etc etc.
But the truth is that girls are hard wired, on a deeply subconscious level, to sit there and send of signals in hopes of being approached. They are the flowers, we are the bees.
And just like most guys are terrified of approaching (despite all the nonsense that happens on forums), girl are similarly terrified of sending out signals that are too obvious.
Meaning that she’s trying with all her might to send you a signal to approach, but she’s also worried silly that it will be misinterpreted, or picked up by the wrong guy.
Bottom line is if you wait around for a clear and obvious signal, you’re going to be waiting a long, long time. Like forever.
The solution is to trust your gut. If you notice her, chances are she’s already noticed you. If you even THINK she’s looked your way, she likely has, and has ALREADY, in her mind, sent you some signals.
Don’t let her down. Go over and talk to her.
And when you do, use the language patterns of covert hypnosis to give her emotions the ride of her life.
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