Attraction is a funny thing. You know that it’s not a choice, and that it doesn’t happen consciously, right?
Yet so many of us think that talking about it is going to make it happen. Like talking to somebody about food is going to make them hungry when they’re not, or talking to them about tigers is going to make them afraid, when they’re not.
Attraction is a deeply subconscious, instinctive response to the environment. Just like suddenly getting a craving to eat when you smell something good, or suddenly getting an impulse to run away when you see a lion pop out from behind the bushes.
This is hard for men to accept, because we become attracted to women purely on their looks. This is precisely Hugh Hefner is a billionaire. We see a hot girl, even if she’s a two dimensional representation, and we fall in love.
But girls don’t feel attraction like guys. That’s why skin mags marketed to women have ALWAYS flopped.
Sure, there’s some girls who appreciate some eye candy, but for the most part, a hot looking guy doesn’t create NEARLY the same deep emotional response in women as a hot looking girl does in a guy.
What does?
Personality, character, confidence, communication skills.
Looks, not so much. Age, not so much.
And that’s good news.
Because no matter who you are, or what your experience is, you can ALWAYS get better.
Girls, on the other hand, will simply lose market value as they get older, all other things being equal.
Not fair, not politically correct, but no less true.
So if you’re a guy, you’ve got nowhere to go but up.
How do you get better?
Just like any other skill, you get better with practice.
How do you practice?
First, start talking to people. Strangers. Wherever you go. Then once that becomes comfortable, start talking to females. Once that becomes comfortable, start talking to cute females.
The more you do this, the more confidence you’ll get. The better your communication skills will be.
And the more attractive you’ll be.
Now, for some guys, just talking to strangers is a terrifying thing. Which is why going through your beliefs about yourself, and the world, and systematically removing those beliefs that don’t support you will make it a lot easier.
The good news is that the same linguistic techniques you can use to remove your own limiting beliefs are the same linguistic techniques that will create massive amounts of attraction in the girls of your dreams.
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