Most of the time, most of us don’t think twice about the ideas in our heads.
We don’t even take time to consider where they come from, or whether or not they’re helping us achieve our goals.
But let’s be serious. Most of us don’t HAVE goals. Other than the regularly programmed ones. More sex, more money, less danger.
Since those are the same goals humans have had since the dawn of time, they might work, they might not.
Sure, some people by simple luck are gifted with enough talent and self belief that they can create vast fortunes and luxurious lifestyles.
But here’s a secret.
If you were to ask most of rich, successful, powerful people, and tried to figure out specifically HOW they got to where they are, they wouldn’t really have a clue.
Sure, they would serve up the same, tired old phrases, like “work hard,” or “follow your dreams,” or “be persistent,” but those are things we’ve all heard a billion times already.
When it comes to the nuts and bolts, daily activities, most of those guys are just like us.
Meaning they are good at some things, and not good at others. They like doing some things, but not others.
Every day they get up, and do the things they are good at, and the things they like.
Only the things they are good at, and the things they like happen to make them tons of cash, social status, and power.
The REAL secret is what happens underneath those things. The beliefs you hold in your head about what you can do, and what you can’t. If you truly believe you can do something, not only will it be more enjoyable, but it will be a lot easier.
Often times, changing your beliefs about your capabilities is enough to change EVERYTHING.
Once you get rid of those internal road blocks holding you back, life can become MUCH easier.
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