Once there was a businessman, who was at the end of his rope.
He was desperate, as everything he did came up short. He was having trouble paying his rent, his bills, and his family life was starting to disintegrate.
One night, he went for a walk and was contemplating ending it all. His wife and kids would be taken care of via his insurance policy. Surely, they’d be better off, right?
Just when he was about to jump off a bridge, a stranger approached.
The stranger looked oddly familiar, maybe somebody he’s seen on TV?
The stranger stuck out his hand. “Hi, I’m Bill Gates.”
The man scoffed. Surely this guy was lying?
“What’re you up to?” Mr. Gates asked.
The man explained his problems. He figured since he was going to jump anyway, it really didn’t matter of this guy was for real or not. He spilled his guts.
“Yea, I remember what it was like,” said Mr. Gates.
It took me a long time before I became successful. But I never gave up. Now I’m the one of the richest, most successful entrepreneurs of all time. But I remember when I, too, had my doubts.
The suicidal man started having second thoughts.
“Tell you what I’m going to do,” said Mr. Gates.
“You take this, keep it. Only cash it in if you really, really need. Just knowing it’s there will help.”
Then Gates gave the man a very heavy chunk of gold. At least two or three pounds.
The man was flabbergasted. All thoughts of suicide left his mind. He raced home, and got to work. He put that chunk of gold in his safe. Just knowing it was there was enough to inspire him.
Within six months, he was turning a profit. Within a year, he was clearing well over six figures, enough to support his family and buy all the things he wanted.
He never once touched that chunk of gold.
Just knowing it was there was enough to inspire him.
Was it real? Was it fake? Was “Mr. Gates” some hobo who was handing out gold colored rocks?
Who knows?
Whether or not the “external world” is “real” or not, it’s the internal world that matters.
What you believe about yourself.
If you’re ready to remove those limiting beliefs, and turn on your evolutionarily programmed powers of success, check this out:
You’ll find that you’re worth a lot more than you think you are.