Motorcycle Future
For some weird reason, I’ve been seeing a lot of motorcycle vids.
YouTube, has for some reason, gotten the idea that I like motorcycles.
I used to have one, way back in college.
But the thought of getting another one hasn’t really crossed my mind.
But I guess YouTube thinks otherwise.
And these motorcycle vids seem to be structured like plenty of others.
Ten ways to get X.
Ten things you need to know before doing X.
Ten sinister things you didn’t know about X.
One I saw recently was five reasons not do get mods for your new motorcycle.
I had to watch that video just to see what they were.
It piqued my curiosity, which is what the dude wanted to do.
I don’t really remember any.
The point was that many times, the “factory settings” are there for a reason.
But for some things, they understand that people will want to modify their equipment.
A lot of computers are marketed based on how many upgrade slots there are for memory.
But this is a different kind of mod.
One that is needed.
Good Mods
You buy a computer that plenty of memory for what you need.
But as things get more intense, you might need more memory a couple years down the road.
Some modifications are therefore a good idea.
Like for us humans.
We come with factory settings.
Only our factory settings were decided a long, long time ago.
And today they are WAY outdated.
What we eat, when we eat, etc.
Dating is similar.
How we behave in social settings is similar.
Up until about thirty or forty years ago, you didn’t really need to do much.
Show up, mingle with some folks, develop some attraction with some folks, and hope for the best.
Today if you do that, you’re going to fail miserably.
Today everybody you speak to will come with a lot of competition.
Mainly because of all the “friends” they have on social media.
All the people secretly trying to game in their DM’s.
What’s a guy to do?
Learn how to game them WAY better than anybody could possibly due through social media.
Or even in real life.
Social media is often blamed for the demise of society.
And that’s a correct assessment in many ways.
But it also presents a HUGE opportunity.
Competitive Domination
What’s that?
Most people today, because of social media, have very, very little game.
In this context, game refers to basic social skills.
If you want to create temporary and superficial attraction, you can do so with temporary and superficial things.
Like being physically attractive, online or off.
But to create much deeper attraction, forget looks.
And worry about game.
Social skills.
Conversational skills.
A very solid and attractive personality.
Things very FEW people have today.
Something that will put YOU in a league all to yourself.
Learn More:
Attractive Personality
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